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英 [ɪnˈspektə(r)]

美 [ɪnˈspɛktɚ]


形容词: inspectoral 名词: inspectorship

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  • 检查员,督察员
  • 视察者,检阅者
  • 查票员


1. an investigator who observes carefully

e.g. the examiner searched for clues

Synonym: examiner

2. a high ranking police officer

1. 检查员;视察员;督察员
An inspector is a person, usually employed by a government agency, whose job is to find out whether people are obeying official regulations.

e.g. The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.

2. (英国警察中职位低于警司高于巡佐的)巡官,督察
In Britain, an inspector is an officer in the police who is higher in rank than a sergeant and lower in rank than a superintendent.

e.g. Last week gunmen attacked Mogadishu airport killing a police inspector...
e.g. I got on the phone to Inspector Joplin at Scotland Yard.

3. (美国警察中仅次于总警监的)督察长
In the United States, an inspector is an officer in the police who is next in rank to a superintendent or police chief.

e.g. ...San Francisco police inspector Tony Camileri.

1. inspector的意思

1. 巡视员:游戏的大部分建筑都必须要能被巡视员(Inspector)访问,否则就会被烧毁或者崩溃(需要说明的是,这些建筑不但要能被访问,而且要在一定的时间内被访问到,如果从没有危险到处于最危险状态的这段时间内没有巡视员经过,建筑就会越来越危险并最终崩溃),

2. 检验员:er)或者宣读者(reader)-不是原来的程序员.其余的参与者称为检验员(inspector),其职责从不同的角度审查代码.有些检验员还同时被委任为会议协调员(moderator)和会议记录员(recorder).在底层进行的测试称为单元测试(unit testing),

3. inspector的近义词

3. 督学:视导部门有14位督学(inspector),负责学校例行视导工作,每年三次访视学校执行国定课程的现况,就教学品质的优点及弱点提出报告,视导处下设有音乐组、图书馆服务、环境教育服务、户外教育服务及游泳服务等组.

"Are you well fed?" said the inspector.(“你的伙食怎么样?”巡查员说。)
Inspector Banbury came up to see her, but she sent him away.(班伯里警官过来看她,但她却把他打发走了。)
This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.(这项规定适用于巡官及以下人员。)
We don't really know where Hortense comes into all this, Inspector.(我们真不知道霍滕斯在整个事件中是什么角色,检查员。)
A police sergeant is below an inspector.(巡佐的级别低于巡官。)
The inspector saw the woman.(检查员看见了那名妇女。)
You will ask for Inspector Javert.(您说要找侦察员沙威就行了。)
The document was duly signed by the inspector.(这份文件已由检查员签妥。)
An inspector was sent to inspect it.(一名检查员被派去调查此事。)
Inspector Walsh looked at him. 'Oh yes.(沃尔什探长看着他。“哦,是的。”)
inspector是什么意思 inspector在线翻译 inspector什么意思 inspector的意思 inspector的翻译 inspector的解释 inspector的发音 inspector的同义词