英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:45:38



英 [ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn]

美 [ˌɪnfləˈmeʃən]



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  • 【医】红肿,发炎,炎症,炎症反应
  • 燃烧,着火,点火
  • 激动 ,兴奋,激昂,愤怒


1. the act of setting something on fire

Synonym: ignitionfiringlightingkindling

2. arousal to violent emotion

Synonym: inflaming

3. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up

e.g. his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled
he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation

Synonym: excitementexcitationfervorfervour

4. a response of body tissues to injury or irritation
characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat

Synonym: rednessrubor

1. 发炎;炎症
An inflammation is a painful redness or swelling of a part of your body that results from an infection, injury, or illness.

e.g. The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.
e.g. ...throat inflammations.

1. 发炎:由纤维结缔组织以及肉芽组织所构成,水瘤开始时,因为压力而损害到骨上方软组织的循环,假如压力持续,局部性的缺血发展,就导致细胞坏死以及水肿,因为周围的组织也被涉及,所以液体无法被吸收,发炎(Inflammation)变剧烈时,一个纤维性囊形成,

2. 炎:此因子和我们身体对创伤的生理变化--发炎(inflammation)有着密切的关系,譬如休克、气管狭窄、肠胃溃疡形成等等. 血小板活跃因子对我们的免疫功能也会造成负面的影响,如哮喘,器官移植的排斥,心肌梗塞引起的心律不齐,血管炎等等.

Aortitis is the pathological term for inflammation of the aortic wall.(主动脉炎是主动脉壁发炎的病理学术语。)
This inflammation may be of the endocervix or ectocervix.(这种炎症可能发生在子宫颈内或子宫颈外。)
You have a gum inflammation.(你牙龈发炎了。)
To reduce inflammation, take an aspirin or ibuprofen at mealtime.(为了减少发炎,吃饭时候服用阿司匹林或布洛芬。)
She could have had inflammation from common parasitic diseases.(她可能患有常见的寄生虫病所引发的炎症。)
Uveitis actually refers to any inflammation caused in uveal tract which is central layer of eye.(葡萄膜炎实际上是指由葡萄膜引起的炎症。)
For inflammation is an antibacterial response.(因为炎症反应时抵抗细菌的反应。)
You could experience inflammation or swelling.(你会发炎、肿大。)
Chronic inflammation, is, of course, associated with major illnesses like heart disease and various cancers.(当然,慢性炎症与心脏病和各种癌症等重大疾病有关。)
The flavonoids also reduce inflammation.(该类黄酮还减轻炎症。)
inflammation是什么意思 inflammation在线翻译 inflammation什么意思 inflammation的意思 inflammation的翻译 inflammation的解释 inflammation的发音 inflammation的同义词