Many people already use Provigil to cope with night-shift work, jet lag and lack of sleep, and suffer few side-effects.(很多人会在上夜班、长途飞行以及缺少睡眠时服用Provigil,只会有轻微的副作用。)
It's probably because of jet lag.(可能是时差的原因。)
Difference in time zone, jet lag, lack of morning coffee - are frequently cited reasons as to why you're especially grouchy.(时区的不同、时差、或者没有早茶,这些都是经常会引起你特别不高兴的原因。)
I get jet lag for a week after traveling overseas.(我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差反应。)
If jet lag or extreme schedule changes leave you exhausted, make your travel workout shorter or lighter than usual.(如果时差或巨大的日程差别让你感到疲劳,那么就减少你的旅行锻炼或者比平时减轻些。)
You look tired. Maybe it's jet lag from yesterday.(你看起来很疲劳,昨天的时差还没倒过来吧。)
As a result, people are left with symptoms similar to the effects of jet lag.(结果就是,人们出现了类似时差反应的症状。)
Jet lag is a problem every international traveler may come across.(时差反应是每一个国际旅行者都可能遇到的问题。)
Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change.(时差是因为生物钟没有立即适应时间的改变而引起的。)
Helpfully the scientists have come up with a name for the phenomenon - 'social jet lag'.(科学家们为这个现象总结出了一个名称——‘社会时差’。)
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