英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dʒet]

美 [dʒɛt]



名词: jetful 过去式: jetted 过去分词: jetted 现在分词: jetting 第三人称单数: jets

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  • 喷嘴,喷口,喷射口
  • 喷射器,喷射引擎
  • 【空】喷气式发动机 ,喷射机
  • 喷射,喷出
  • 乌黑发亮的颜色
  • 黑玉
  • 黑色大理石
  • 喷出物
  • 气流
  • 射流,喷射流
  • 【矿】煤玉
  • 【物】喷注
  • 搭喷气式飞机旅行
  • 喷出,射出,喷射出(灌体、气)
  • 用喷气式飞机载送,用喷气式飞机运输
  • 乘坐喷气式飞机
  • 飞速移动
  • 很快地去或离开某个地方
  • Joint European Torus 欧洲联合核变实验装置
  • 乌黑发亮的
  • 黑玉的
  • 煤玉制的
  • 黑色大理石制的
  • 喷气式(发动机)推进的
  • 用喷气式飞机的
  • 迅速的,飞快的
  • 与喷气推进有关的
  • 煤黑色的
  • [C]喷气式飞机; 喷气式发动机 aircraft powered by a jet engine; jet engine
  • [C]喷嘴,喷射口 narrow opening from which this comes
  • [C]喷射流 strong narrow stream of gas, liquid, steam or flame, forced out of a small opening


1. an artificially produced flow of water

Synonym: fountain

2. an airplane powered by one or more jet engines

Synonym: jet planejet-propelled plane

3. street names for ketamine

Synonym: Ksuper acidspecial Khoney oilgreencat valiumsuper C

4. the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

Synonym: squirtspurtspirt

5. atmospheric discharges (lasting 10 msec) bursting from the tops of giant storm clouds in blue cones that widen as they flash upward

Synonym: blue jetreverse lightning

6. a hard black form of lignite that takes a brilliant polish and is used in jewelry or ornamentation



1. issue in a jet
come out in a jet
stream or spring forth

e.g. Water jetted forth
flames were jetting out of the building

Synonym: gush

2. fly a jet plane


1. of the blackest black
similar to the color of jet or coal

Synonym: coal-blackjet-blackpitchysooty

1. 喷气式飞机
A jet is an aircraft that is powered by jet engines.

e.g. Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan...
e.g. He had arrived from Jersey by jet.

2. 乘坐喷气式飞机飞行
If you jet somewhere, you travel there in a fast plane.


e.g. He and his wife, Val, will be jetting off on a two-week holiday in America...
e.g. They spend a great deal of time jetting around the world.

3. (液体或气体的)喷射流
A jet of liquid or gas is a strong, fast, thin stream of it.

e.g. A jet of water poured through the windows.

4. 煤玉;黑玉;黑色大理石
Jet is a hard black stone that is used in jewellery.

1. 射流:上,射流(jet)是一个操作,它取一个 f并再其定义域的每一点产生一个 域理论是研究通常叫做域(domain)的特定种类 的 分支. 因

2. 喷射:コーテッド超硬合金 镀膜(coated)硬质合金ジェット润滑 喷射(jet)润滑セラミックコーテッド超硬合金工具 陶瓷镀膜(ceramic coated)硬质合金工具高速铣削(milling)对应sorinngu(这个词查不到高速铣削(milling)数控机床高速铣削(milling)加工中

3. jet:joint engineering team; 联合工程任务组


4. jet:joint engine technology; 资料库引擎

5. jet的反义词

5. jet:joint european torus; 欧洲的

6. jet:the japan exchange and teaching; 外籍教师教授英语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • A jet is always used when there is an emergency .
  • This new jet engine is superbly engineered.
  • Put a match to the jet to light the gas.
  • The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building.
用作名词 (n.)
  • I directed the jet of water from the nozzle of the hose.

    出自:S. Spender
  • My father blew out a thin jet of cobalt-blue cigar smoke.

    出自:A. West
  • Little Ridges jetting out from the principal Chains of Mountains.

    出自:L. Evans
  • Art bureaucrats are jetting around the capitals of the world.

    出自:P. Fuller
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的jeter,意为投,抛。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I watched as they got on the jet ski.(我看着他们坐上了喷气式滑艇。)
The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.(那架喷气式飞机比预定时间提前两分钟到达了约翰内斯堡。)
The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.(那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入中国领空。)
The aircraft cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than huge jet planes while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution.(这架飞机造价2500万英镑,可以比大型喷气式飞机承载更重的载荷,同时产生更少的噪音,排放更少的污染。)
The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded.(喷气式飞机撞上山坡爆炸了。)
The jet plummeted into a row of houses.(那架喷气式飞机一头栽进一排房子里。)
When a jet takes off from LA international, headed toward London, one degree of difference can determine whether he lands in Greenland or Africa.(当一架飞机从洛杉矶国际机场飞往伦敦时,一度的差异可以决定他是降落在格陵兰岛还是非洲。)
Above 5,490m is the realm of the heavy jets, since jet engines operate more efficiently at higher altitudes.(超过5490米是重型喷气式飞机的领域,因为喷气式发动机在更高的高度运行时效率更高。)
The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.(那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片。)
The noise which is produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant.(喷气式飞机或机器所产生的噪音会使人们的生活困难和不愉快。)
jet是什么意思 jet在线翻译 jet什么意思 jet的意思 jet的翻译 jet的解释 jet的发音 jet的同义词