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更新时间:2025-01-06 15:55:47



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  • 犹太教徒
  • 犹太人(圣经时代古希伯来人的后裔)
  • 守财奴,高利贷者,奸商
  • 一毛不拔
  • (带侮辱意味的用语)欺骗
  • 杀(某人)的价,讨价还价

1. 犹太人;犹太教徒
A Jew is a person who believes in and practises the religion of Judaism.

1. 珠宝:眼就是这类东西宝石(Gem) 红/黄/兰/绿/紫宝石 钻石 骷髅珠宝(Jew) 比如极品的ED/IAS猪就是这类护身符(Charm) 可以放在箱子里的东西 有小护(small charm)大护(large chram)超大护(grand charm)三种戒指(Ring) 带在手上的,


2. 宝石:3、各种rare和craft宝石(jew)从地穴(Pit)第一层进入,经过高塔(Forgotten Tower)第一层、监牢(Jail)第一层(此处有个Wp)、高塔第三层、地下墓穴(Catacomb)第三层可到达超级狗熊的洞穴,在此处玩家可深刻领悟到动物凶猛啊.

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1. worth a Jew's eye : 极为贵重;


  • We were unmercifully jewed for all the refreshments.

    出自:W. G. Hammond
Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.(萨科齐是第一位战后出生的法国总统,其外祖父是来自萨洛尼卡的犹太人。)
What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?(这样说来,犹太人有什么长处,割礼有什么益处呢。)
24meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus.(有一个犹太人,名叫亚波罗,来到以弗所。)
I beat a guy almost to death. I thought he was a Jew.(我几乎打死了一个人,因为我以为他是一个犹太人。)
Mr Harwood, a Jew from Cape Town, grew up haunted by images of Auschwitz.(哈伍德,是开普敦的犹太人,曾在惨绝人寰的奥斯维辛印象下成长。)
ISRAELIS tell a joke about a Jew who takes to reading Arab newspapers.(以色列人有个笑话,说是有个犹太人喜欢看阿拉伯报纸。)
"Jew" and "Armenian" are both often used as slurs.(“犹太人”和“亚美尼亚人”都被用做污辱人。)
If you are a Jew now where do you go to sacrifice?(如果你是犹太人,你会去哪儿献祭?)
The old cove must be a Jew.(那老头一定是个犹太人。)
What does a Jew hope people will say about him at his funeral?(犹太人希望人们在他的葬礼上说些什么呢?)
jew是什么意思 jew在线翻译 jew什么意思 jew的意思 jew的翻译 jew的解释 jew的发音 jew的同义词