英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈdʒɒgə(r)]

美 [ˈdʒɑ:gə(r)]



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  • 慢跑者,慢跑锻炼者
  • 顶杆
  • 摆动码纸器
  • 撞纸(页)机,闯纸(页)机


1. someone who runs a steady slow pace (usually for exercise)

1. jogger的反义词

1. 慢跑者:jog 漫步 | jogger 慢跑者 | jogging pants 慢跑长运动裤


2. 推杆:jodhpurs 短马靴 | jogger 推杆 | jogging machine 闯纸机

3. 摆动码纸器,顶杆:jog 轻摇,摆动码纸 | jogger 摆动码纸器,顶杆 | joggle 摇动;摆动;摆齐

4. 撞纸机 闯纸机 摆动码纸器:joggedjoint 连孔连接 | jogger 撞纸机 闯纸机 摆动码纸器 | jogging 冲动状态 电动机的频繁反复起动 慢速 顶 微动

An old man is sitting on a park bench crying his eyes out. A young jogger comes by and asks him what is the matter.(一位老人坐在公园长椅上号啕大哭,有位年轻人慢跑时经过,就问他出了什么事。)
Of course if you are a runner or jogger, this may be exactly what you want.(当然,如果你是一位跑步者或慢跑,这可能正是你想要的。)
He is a fanatic jogger.(他是一个极喜欢慢跑的人。)
1: a New Day: Season 5 opens with the murder of a female jogger.(第1集:新的一天:5季开篇女性慢跑者的谋杀。)
While this comes in handy for solving the pilot's big crime-the weird mauling of a female jogger by some sort of big bad wolf-it's also his curse.(这刚好为解决首播集的重大犯罪提供了便利——一名女性慢跑者遭某种大灰狼诡异撕裂——这天赋同时也是他的诅咒。)
The Baby Jogger Car Seat Adaptor is one of the most important accessories you will ever purchase for your stroller.(婴儿慢跑者的汽车安全座椅适配器是最重要的配件,你将永远为您童车购买之一。)
One day he jogged into the park and another jogger knocked into him.(一天他慢跑进公园和另一个慢跑撞到他。)
When does a jogger become a runner? On a day like this.(慢跑的人何时成为一名跑者?某一天就像这样。)
Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack.(爱尔兰看似一位心脏病发作的有节制的慢跑者。)
It may be simply a response to a stimulus, like a jogger running by the house—or it may be your dog's way of asking for help.(或许只是单纯的一个对外来条件的反应,比如一个人从旁边跑过,又或许是您的狗在请求帮助。)
jogger是什么意思 jogger在线翻译 jogger什么意思 jogger的意思 jogger的翻译 jogger的解释 jogger的发音 jogger的同义词