英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dʒu:t]

美 [dʒut]



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  • 【植】黄麻
  • 朱特人(住在日德兰半岛的古代日耳曼部落的人)
  • 朱特族
  • 【植】黄麻纤维
  • 麻纤维
  • 黄麻属植物
  • 长蒴黄麻
  • 黄麻包皮
  • 用黄麻纤维制成的



1. a plant fiber used in making rope or sacks

1. 黄麻纤维(用来制布和绳)
Jute is a substance that is used to make cloth and rope. It comes from a plant which grows mainly in South-East Asia.


1. 黄麻:例如,蚕丝(silk)羊毛(Wool),棉花(Cotton) 亚麻(Flax),苎麻(Ramie)黄麻(Jute)和石棉(Asbestos)纤维素纤维(Cellulosic fibers)_由植物中提取出的纤维素分子再聚合而成的纤维素纤维.

2. 麻:产品名称: 供应剑麻(Sisal),亚麻(Linen),水草(SEAGRASS),黄麻(Jute)等家居地毯和汽车地毯

3. 黃麻纖維:heoprene 一种合成像膠 | jute 黃麻纖維 | split leather 貼合皮

In order to remove blow hole, the influence of jute fibre on permeability of coatings for LFC was investigated.(为了解决消失模铸造件气孔问题,研究了黄麻纤维对消失模铸造涂料透气性的影响。)
When cables penetrate the protective tube, jute bag shall be applied for winding and blocking in case of cable damaging.(电缆穿过防护管后,应用麻袋条缠绕堵严,以防损坏电缆;)
Gasoline diesel oil LPG oil of softening jute formaldehyde hexamine ethyl formate and other chemical reagents.(汽油,柴油,液化石油气,软麻油,甲酸,甲醛,乌洛托品,甲酸乙酯及化学试剂等。)
Agriculture: rice, jute, tea, wheat; beef.(农业:水稻,黄麻,茶,小麦,牛肉。)
Health standard for flax, jute and ramie dusts in the air of workplace.(车间空气中麻尘(亚麻、黄麻和苎麻)卫生标准。)
The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about 200 pounds.(货品是用巩固的新麻袋包装的,每袋约重200磅。)
A group of about 30 women are sitting on a large jute mat. They are all married.(大约三十位已婚妇女坐在一块巨大的麻草垫上。)
It was so productive that there was a shortage of labour to harvest it, of bull carts to haul it to the threshing floor, of jute bags to store it.(它的产量如此之高,缺乏足够的劳动力来收割,没有足够的牛车来把它拖到打谷场,也没有足够的麻袋来储存它。)
Discussions and proposal have been made on the applications of these results to jute breeding.(对所得结果在黄麻育种上的应用进行了讨论并提出建议。)
This paper introduce the history and status of the research and development of the Jute Plastics Composites.(本文介绍了国外黄麻塑料复合材料研究开发的历史和现状。)
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