英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:21:39



英 [ˈli:kɪdʒ]

美 [ˈlikɪdʒ]



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  • 漏损量
  • 泄漏
  • 漏出
  • 漏出物
  • 漏出量
  • 泄露
  • 漏损物
  • 【商】漏损率
  • 漏水
  • 漏电
  • 泄漏量
  • 渗漏
  • 渗漏物
  • 许可的漏损率



1. the discharge of a fluid from some container

e.g. they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe
he had to clean up the leak

Synonym: escapeleakoutflow

1. 漏出物(或量);渗漏物(或量)
A leakage is an amount of liquid or gas that is escaping from a pipe or container by means of a crack, hole, or other fault.

e.g. A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies...
e.g. It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes.

1. 漏:胰液经腹腔引流管或切口流出体表为胰外瘘;胰内瘘包括胰腺假性囊肿、...一、胰瘘或漏的定义和影响因素...从文献上胰瘘(pancreatic fistula)或漏(leakage)是同一概念.

2. leakage的反义词

2. 渗漏:您可以改变虚拟麦克的风设置、室内环境和 渗漏(Leakage)之外,还可以充分利用特有的3波段EQ和每条通道2种插入效果的功能. Strike除了具备从动态和限制除了具备从动态和限制,到 混响和延迟等一系列效果处理功能之外,还包括一些特有的工具,

3. 漏电:说明:①元器件各种特性参数的设置可通过双击元器件弹出的对话框进行; ②编号(Reference ID) 通常由系统自动分配,必要时可以修改,但必须保证编号的唯一性; ③故障(Fault)选项可供人为设置 元器件的隐含故障,包括开路(Open),短路(Short),漏电(Leakage),无故障(None

  • 经典引文

  • Jars..are liable to no leekage, unless they are broken.

    出自:G. Anson
  • The leakage of helium through Pyrex glass at elevated temperatures has been noted.

These ranged from "sensory leakage"—where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver—to outright fraud.(其中包括“感官泄露”——接受者意外地获得了有关图像的线索——延伸到彻头彻尾的欺骗。)
Coolant system leakage, secondary failure.(冷却剂系统的泄露,次级失效。)
He denied, though, that there was radioactive leakage.(尽管如此,他还是拒绝承认有任何放射物质泄漏的事情发生。)
Leakage and removal.(泄露和消除。)
Recent evidence has suggested that the amount of leakage has been underestimated.(最近的证据显示其泄漏量被低估了。)
When you drill offshore, you always have leakage.(当你在海上钻井,总会有泄漏发生。)
And that assumes obviously no leakage.(那明显是假设没有泄露的。)
And the leakage was known, not reported on time, and when reported created a huge stir in the local population.(我们知道泄漏没有得到及时的报告,报告是造成了很大的反响,在当地居民里。)
A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.(泄漏的煤油已污染了水源。)
We’ve had no data leakage problems since we’ve installed our new security program.(自从安装新的保密程序后,我们的电脑没有出现数据丢失的问题。)
leakage是什么意思 leakage在线翻译 leakage什么意思 leakage的意思 leakage的翻译 leakage的解释 leakage的发音 leakage的同义词