英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈlævətri]

美 [ˈlævətɔ:ri]


名词复数: lavatories

  • 详情解释

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  • 厕所
  • 盥洗室
  • 洗手间
  • 洗脸盆
  • 【宗】洗礼盆
  • 金矿洗选厂
  • 抽水马桶
  • 卫生间
  • 公共厕所
  • 浴室水池
  • 洗脸池
  • [C]厕所,盥洗室 a toilet


1. a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it

Synonym: flush toilet

2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

Synonym: toiletlavcanjohnprivybathroom

3. a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe
where you can wash your hands and face

e.g. he ran some water in the basin and splashed it on his face

Synonym: washbasinbasinwashbowlwashstand

1. 同toilet
A lavatory is the same as a toilet .

e.g. ...the ladies' lavatory at the University of London.
e.g. ...a public lavatory.

1. 洗手间:时代变了,英国人和霉国人成了新的爆发户了,英语也逐渐成了上等人说的话了.于是乎,前一段时间,媒体报道,查尔斯之子威廉姆和女朋友米都顿分手了,原因是米都顿的母亲是个普通的商人,说话粗,不懂规矩.像把洗手间(lavatory)说成厕所(toilet),

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Is there any lavatory in this building?
  • And a toilet bowl wedged between two walls, the lavatory.

    出自:J. P. Donleavy
  • Freddy went to the lavatory, not from need, but in case there should be a long journey ahead.

    出自:M. Spark
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的lavatorium,意为洗。
I've just been to the lavatory.(我刚去过盥洗室梳洗了一番。)
The Emilio Carranza School's freshly painted walls, new lavatory doors and flower-beds show a way forward.(埃米利奥·卡兰萨学校新粉刷的墙壁、新的厕所门和花床为我们指明了前进的道路。)
"I've wanted a red telephone box for years and I didn't have an outside lavatory, so I thought I could combine the two."(这些年我一直想有个红色电话亭,而且我没有室外卫生间,所以我觉得可以把两者合二为一。)
In September several tweeted live on the plight of two women who were hiding in an airport lavatory in Jiangxi province.(9月,一些推特发推直播了两位躲在江西省机场厕所的女性的困境。)
Present lavatory installation practices and recommended standards, however, preclude such a posture...(目前的安装厕所的执业和推荐性标准,却忽略这样一种现状…。)
The latest scare is the computer keyboard: supposedly it contains nearly 70 times more microbes than the average lavatory seat.(最新的吓人的东西是电脑键盘:据说,平均而言,比起一般马桶座,键盘细菌的数量多了将近70倍。)
It is not the only airline looking to the lavatory to save money.(全日空公司并非唯一一家指望通过厕所来省钱的航空公司。)
Where's the lavatory?(厕所在哪里?)
The best shot of the cloisters is from the Girls Lavatory door in the Troll scene.(这些回廊在电影中的最佳镜头是从女厕所所拍到的合唱场面。)
Once finished, the lavatory will often flush automatically, lower the seat and then clean itself.(一旦方便结束,马桶通常会自己冲水,放低座位,自我清洁。)
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