英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['lu:kəˌsaɪt]

美 ['lu:kəˌsaɪt]


形容词: leukocytic

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1. blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi
an important part of the body's defense system

Synonym: leucocytewhite blood cellwhite cellwhite blood corpusclewhite corpuscleWBC

1. leukocyte

1. 白细胞:当肾病晚期产生的非选择性蛋白尿时可造成假阴性. 必须强调干化学试带法不适用于肾脏病患者的检查,一定用湿化学法检测. 临床意义:常用于黄疸(jaundice)的病因鉴别. (二)白细胞(Leukocyte)和脓细胞

2. leukocyte的反义词

2. 白细胞,白血球:leucocyte 白细胞,白血球 | leukocyte 白细胞,白血球 | leukocytometer 白血球计数器

3. 白血球:Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病 | Leukocyte 白血球 | Leukocytopenia白血球减少

4. leukocyte

4. 白血球 白血球 白血细胞:leukocytal 白细胞的 | leukocyte 白血球 白血球 白血细胞 | leukocyteantibody 白细胞抗体

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Objective: to investigate the regulation of estradiol and progesterone on leukocyte and lymphocyte of peripheral blood in ovariectomized mice.(目的:探讨雌二醇、孕酮对去势小鼠外周血白细胞和淋巴细胞的调节。)
You is the total amount of leukocyte, you should not write in the normal range.(你的白细胞总数是多少,你没写应该是在正常范围内。)
The activation of leukocyte mediated by the cytokinesis the direct result of SIRS.(由炎性细胞因子介导的白细胞活化就是SIRS的直接结果。)
Results Polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemotaxis was restrained.(结果白细胞移动受到抑制。)
Objective To investigate the efficacy of point Geshu acupuncture or moxibustion for raising leukocyte and promoting marrow proliferation.(目的研究针刺或艾灸膈俞穴对低白模型大鼠提升白细胞和增强骨髓增殖功能的作用。)
The leukocyte count, the neutrophil migration function and the phagocytic power were detected.(检测各组小鼠白细胞数、中性粒细胞游走功能和吞噬功能。)
OBJECTIVE: To understand the status and trend of drugs increased leukocyte used in Guangdong province.(前言:目的:了解广东省促进白细胞增生药的应用情况及其用药趋势。)
Objective To investigate the effects of steady shear flow on the deformation properties of an adherent leukocyte and its nucleus.(目的研究稳定剪切流动对黏附于血管表面的白细胞及其细胞核变形的影响。)
Peripheral leukocyte and acidophilic granulocyte were decreased.(外周血白细胞与嗜酸性粒细胞减少。)
Objective: To study the mechanism of frequency spectrum water prevented leukocyte adhesion and improved microcirculation in rat.(目的:探讨频谱水预防大鼠白细胞粘附和改善微循环障碍的机理。)
leukocyte是什么意思 leukocyte在线翻译 leukocyte什么意思 leukocyte的意思 leukocyte的翻译 leukocyte的解释 leukocyte的发音 leukocyte的同义词