英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:27:40



英 [ˈlaɪfbəʊt]

美 [ˈlaɪfboʊt]



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  • 救生艇
  • 救生船
  • 救护船
  • 救难船


1. a strong sea boat designed to rescue people from a sinking ship

1. (派往海上救助的)救生船
A lifeboat is a medium-sized boat that is sent out from a port or harbour in order to rescue people who are in danger at sea.

2. (船上备用的)救生艇
A lifeboat is a small boat that is carried on a ship, which people on the ship use to escape when the ship is in danger of sinking.

e.g. The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats.

1. 怒海孤舟:这种以'固定环境'为基础的电影作品,之前有过成功的例子,比如说<>(Jaws)中,就有3个人被困在了海上漂泊的小船里;还有阿尔弗雷德.希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)执导的<>(Lifeboat),同样发生在一个很小的救生艇里;

2. lifeboat在线翻译

2. 艇:梅韦斯特、比莉莉(Bea Lillie)、陆普、<>( Lifeboat)中的塔鲁拉班克海(Tallulah Bankhead)、<>中的贝蒂戴维斯等都属此例. (顺便说下,有些人还会懵懵懂懂被拉下水,变成侃皮典型. 比如,

Survival was legitimate if you had been ordered by an Officer to get into a lifeboat.(如果收到指令,奉命登上救生船是被允许的。)
"I was below deck, " he said, "a bunch of bananas belonging to other passengers helped me float until I found a lifeboat."(“我当时在甲板下面,”他说,“其他乘客带上船的一大串香蕉都帮助我一直飘浮在水面上,直到我发现一个救生船。”)
Dean, her mother, and brother were placed in lifeboat 10, and they were among the first off the liner out of the 706 passengers and crew who escaped.(迪安、她的妈妈以及兄弟被送上了10号救生艇里,在最终生还的706名乘客和船员中,他们是第一批离开游轮的。)
How to put to sea in a lifeboat when the tide has gone out?(如何在退潮时乘救生艇驶向大海?)
Second Officer Lightoller tried to prevent 13-year-old John Ryerson from getting into a lifeboat with his mother.(船上的二副lightoller曾试图阻止一名13岁的儿童和他的母亲一起登上救生艇。)
Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat.(两个澳大利亚人乘一艘救生船漂流在海上。)
The RNLI is now developing a new and faster lifeboat.(皇家救生艇协会现正研制一种新型快速救生艇。)
The lifeboat was launched immediately.(那艘救生艇被立刻放下了水。)
It might seem unreasonable that expectations about possible events can drive prices up, but consider the situation of people in a lifeboat on the open ocean.(对可能发生事件的预测会驱使价格上涨看起来很不切实际,但考虑下在宽阔的海洋上,人们在救生艇中这样一个情况。)
He felt the ship scrape the iceberg and hustled the family out of its third-class quarters and toward the lifeboat that would take them to safety.(他感到船体刮到了冰山,带着家人匆匆离开了三等舱,向可能会把他们带到安全处的救生艇跑去。)
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