Luckily, the lion could not get up. He must move forward. With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle.(幸好狮子站不起来,他得再向前一步才行,于是丹瓦快速往前冲,把针刺进了狮子身上。)
Using the books as weights, lunge across an open room until you've completed your desired set.(把书当做平衡砝码,在一间开阔的屋子里蹲弓步,直到你完成一组设定的动作。)
Start standing straight, step forwards and down into a controlled lunge position.(人体笔直站立,向前跨步成弓步姿势。动作要有控制。)
Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind.(你冲到敌人身后,以不可思议的速度从后面攻击他们。)
Throwing- squat, lunge, front squat.(深蹲,箭步蹲,前蹲。)
He jumps back as several of the other heads lunge.(当好几个头突然袭来时,他赶紧跳回闪躲。)
What words and phrases make you want to lunge at the throat of the co-worker who utters them?(有没有类似的词汇,只要你的同事一说出口,你就想掐住他的脖子?)
The forward lunge of this child is very standard.(这孩子的弓箭步真标准!)
Then, in the blink of an eye, it'll lunge at prey, pulling it under water to drown and dismember.(之后,眨眼间,它便扑向了猎物。咸水鳄会把猎物拖到水中,将其淹死并肢解掉。)
As a result, they sometimes lunge at outlandish ideas.(因此,他们有时会有一些非常奇特的想法。)
lunge是什么意思 lunge在线翻译 lunge什么意思 lunge的意思 lunge的翻译 lunge的解释 lunge的发音 lunge的同义词