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更新时间:2025-03-03 14:04:36



英 [ˈmæməθ]

美 [ˈmæməθ]




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1. any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene
extremely large with hairy coats and long upcurved tusks


1. so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth

e.g. a gigantic redwood
gigantic disappointment
a mammoth ship
a mammoth multinational corporation

Synonym: gigantic

1. (改变)巨大的,重大的;(任务)庞大的,艰巨的
You can use mammoth to emphasize that a task or change is very large and needs a lot of effort to achieve.


e.g. ...the mammoth task of relocating the library...
e.g. You can only undertake mammoth changes if the finances are there...

2. 猛犸,毛象(一种史前动物)
A mammoth was an animal like an elephant, with very long tusks and long hair, that lived a long time ago but no longer exists.


1. 长毛象:伍迪-哈里森,萨曼莎-莫顿导演:拉契得-波查拉(Rachid Bouchareb)主演:布兰达-布莱斯,索提格-寇亚特(Sotigui Kouyate)<>(Mammoth)瑞典/德国/丹麦<

2. 巨大的:deregulation取消对......的管制 | mammoth巨大的 | bureaucracy官僚制度,官僚主义(架构)

  • 经典引文

  • The mammoth task of preparing a $100 billion budget.

    出自:Lyndon B. Johnson
Winning the Champions league, UEFA Cup, and six league titles was a mammoth task.(连夺欧冠杯、欧洲联盟杯以及六项联赛锦标真是叹为观止。)
Mammoth bones have also been found at some other Clovis sites.(在其他一些克洛维斯遗址也发现了猛犸象的骨头。)
North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts, like mammoth and mastodons, both elephant-like creatures with big tusks, and camels, giant sloths, the list goes on.(在北美洲生活着各种各样的巨兽,如猛犸象和乳齿象,都是长着巨大象牙的象状动物,还有骆驼和巨大的树懒,名单待续。)
I've seen photographs: the church's blackened posts jutting like the ribs of a felled mammoth.(我看过那些照片:教堂烧黑了的柱子戳在那里,像一只坍倒的长毛象的肋骨。)
The reconstructed mammoth hemoglobin could deliver oxygen at colder temperatures than the human form of the protein could handle.(重组的猛犸象血红蛋白可以在比人类血红蛋白更低的温度下输送氧气。)
Any of them might conceal a mammoth graveyard or the next mummified Lyuba.(他们中的任何一个都可能隐藏着一个猛犸象墓地或下一个木乃伊一样的柳芭。)
The larger Columbian mammoth lived further south.(而体型较大的哥伦比亚猛犸则生活在较远的南方。)
By happy symmetry, where our reindeer are carved on mammoth tusk, the other sculpture shows a mammoth carved on a reindeer antler.(令人欢喜的对称是,我们的驯鹿雕刻在猛犸象牙上,而另一件雕刻品却是一头猛犸象雕刻在驯鹿鹿角上。)
It's a sculpture carved from the tusk of a mammoth—it must have been towards the end of the tusk, because it's slim, slightly curved.(这是一件用猛犸象的象牙雕刻而成的雕塑——肯定是象牙接近尾端的部分,因为其形状纤细、略呈弧形。)
Leaving the EU would collapse Greece's Banks and end mammoth EU agricultural aid.(离开欧盟将导致希腊的银行崩溃和欧盟庞大的农业援助终止。)
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