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英 [məˈtrɪkjuleɪt]

美 [mə'trɪkjʊleɪt]


名词: matriculation 过去式: matriculated 过去分词: matriculated 现在分词: matriculating 第三人称单数: matriculates

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1. someone who has been admitted to a college or university



1. enroll as a student

1. 注册入学;被录取入学
In some countries, if you matriculate, you register formally as a student at a university, or you satisfy the academic requirements necessary for registration for a course.

e.g. I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree.

The head decided I should have another go at matriculation.

1. 录取:matriculant 投考者 | matriculate 录取 | matriculation 入学

2. 入学:emit发出,放射 | matriculate 入学v | matrix矩阵,子宫

3. 进大学:matriculate 获准入学者 | matriculate 进大学 | matriculatematriculation 入学

4. 获准入学者:获准地permissibly | 获准入学者matriculate | 或maybeperhapsmightpossiblyor

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.(警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假录取通知书的人。)
Here's a look at some of the most important hardware, software, and textbook tools you'll want in your Arsenal when you matriculate.(这里我们来看一些你希望充实到你入学装备中很重要的硬件,软件和课本工具。)
The education of engineering postgraduates in China still is of many problems in matriculate quality, education modes, dissertations and management structure.(工程硕士研究生教育在生源质量、培养模式、学位论文和管理架构等方面,尚还存在诸多问题。)
A Chinese high school student is more likely to be trampled by a water buffalo than to matriculate at Harvard.(对于中国高中学生而言,被哈佛大学录取的机率比被水牛踩踏的机率还要低。)
I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree.(如果我想攻读学位,必须先被录取入学。)
If let her when instructor, she is about to become a professor after, even matriculate council.(假如让她当讲师,以后她就要成为教授,甚至进大学评议会。)
In those days, I am firm matriculate, overflow in the library everyday stroll aimlessly.(那时,我刚进大学,每天在图书馆里漫无目的地闲逛。)
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