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英 [ˌmegələˈmeɪniə]

美 [ˌmɛɡəloˈmeniə, -ˈmenjə]


形容词: megalomaniacal 名词: megalomaniac

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  • 妄自尊大
  • 自大狂
  • 夸大狂
  • 【医】夸大妄想狂
  • 妄想自大狂
  • 狂热
  • 夸大的倾向


1. a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur

1. 自大狂;夸大狂;妄自尊大
Megalomania is the belief that you are more powerful and important than you really are. Megalomania is sometimes a mental illness.

1. megalomania的近义词

1. 自大狂:金日成和毛泽东的思想当然和历史上的唯心主义哲学(idealism)和唯意志论(volunterism)看上去有类似之处,但其本质决不是什么哲学思想,而是由绝对权力滋养起来的自大狂(megalomania).

2. 夸大狂:megalokaryocyte 巨核细胞 | megalomania 夸大狂 | megalomelia 巨肢

3. 夸大妄想狂:精神错乱 delirium | 夸大妄想狂 megalomania | 窥视狂 voyeurism

4. [医]自大症:mania:[医]狂热,躁狂症 | megalomania:[医]自大症 | pyromania:[医]纵火症,放火狂

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It seems that there is something advantageous in the megalomania that is his defining lifelong trait.(狂妄自大正是他长久统治的关键,看起来,这样的品质似乎有些好处。)
These men's megalomania was captured in two masterworks: Orson Welles's film "Citizen Kane" and Evelyn Waugh's novel "Scoop".(这些人的自大症在两部杰作中显露无疑:奥逊·威尔斯的电影《公民凯恩》和伊夫林。沃的小说《独家新闻》。)
In fact, his capacity for megalomania and anger invites comparisons with Shakespeare's more ferocious protagonists — Coriolanus, say.(事实上,甚至有人将性格狂妄暴怒的弗格森与莎士比亚笔下的残忍角色科利奥兰纳斯(Coriolanus)相提并论。)
Early success may lead to megalomania.(少年得志可能导致妄自尊大。)
If it can cure nothing else, it can cure man of megalomania.(它如果不能治愈别的疾病,至少能够治愈人类的狂妄自大的病。)
Let us discuss, first, five of the most common manias: kleptomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania, and monomania.(首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。)
He is very bright. He helps me a lot, to not have any fits of megalomania.(他很聪明,他帮了我很多,他帮我不会变成自大狂。)
Taxpayers bear the cost of guaranteeing this fruit of megalomania.(承保这一自大狂成果的费用由纳税人负担。)
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