英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:00:08


英 [ˌmaɪkrəˌi:kə'nɒmɪks]

美 [ˌmaɪkrəˌi:kə'nɒmɪks]


形容词: microeconomic

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1. the branch of economics that studies the economy of consumers or households or individual firms

1. 微观经济学
Microeconomics is the branch of economics that is concerned with individual areas of economic activity, such as those within a particular company or relating to a particular market.

e.g. He has 250 students in his microeconomics module.

...a textbook on microeconomic theory.

1. 微观经济学:Rubinfeld合写的<>(Microeconomics)一书. 就在吴林水考虑成本管理的时候,吴江联诚电脑有限公司总经理程建社带着联想ITfor的满意企业管理应用方案(ERP)找上门来. 程建社向吴林水大讲了IT技术支撑企业管理的一系列好处.

2. 个体经济学:课程大纲 个体经济学(Microeconomics)系在研究个别经济 为者(包括消费者、生产者课程大纲 总体经济学(macroeconomics)系在研究总体经济变 之间的关系以及政府的经课程大纲 总体经济学(macroeconomics)系在研究总体经济变 之间的关系以及政府的经


3. 微观经济:没上微观经济(Microeconomics)的Tutorial之前,我对它带有一点点的恐惧心理 --因为我的Tutor正是教授这门课的讲师,而在很多人的眼里他都非常严格. 所以有很多人到最后都换了Tutor. 昨天在上过他的Tutorial后我觉得尽管我也感觉他非常严格,

4. 个体经济:富兰克林证券投顾表示,日本股市具备4M题材–总体经济(Macroeconomics)明确复苏,可望在2006年第二季之前摆脱通货紧缩阴霾,个体经济(Microeconomics)获利能力持续增长、生产力有效提升,股市价位(Markets)较历史水准大幅滑落,

This course covers the essential principles and tools of Managerial economics, the application of microeconomics to management decisions.(本课程涵盖管理经济学的基本原理与使用工具,及将个体经济学运用在管理决策上。)
From the point of view of microeconomics, that is, economies of scale, the scope of the internal economy.(从的角度来看,微观经济学,也就是规模经济,范围的内部经济。)
The Envelope Theorem is an important theorem in microeconomics. We comment on this theorem in the paper.(包络定理是微观经济学中的一个重要定理。本文对这一定理进行了述评。)
Learn microeconomics before graduating.(毕业前学习微观经济学。)
And with the low-skilled labor market atomized into thousands of microeconomics, immobile workers are less able to demand better wages or conditions or to acquire valuable skills.(由于低技能劳动力市场被分割成数千个微观经济体,固定型工人就不太可能要求更高的薪水、更好的工作条件,或者学到有价值的技术。)
He has 250 students in his microeconomics module.(有250名学生上他的微观经济教学课。)
On the basis of rational choice and the theory of microeconomics, new liberalism came up with the rationalization of international system existence.(新自由制度主义基于理性选择和微观经济学理论提出了国际制度存在的合理性。)
Additionally on campus I was a microeconomics teaching assistant for many semesters.(有时还在校内担当微观经济学的兼职助教。)
Principles of economics, Advanced Microeconomics, New-institutional economics, The Theory of Industrial Organization.(经济学原理,高级微观经济学,新制度经济学,产业组织理论。)
In contrast, microeconomics is the study of the economic behaviour and decision-making of individual consumers, firms, and industries.(相反,微观经济学研究的就是经济行为和决策的个体消费者,公司和行业。)
microeconomics是什么意思 microeconomics在线翻译 microeconomics什么意思 microeconomics的意思 microeconomics的翻译 microeconomics的解释 microeconomics的发音 microeconomics的同义词