英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 17:23:49


英 [maɪˈkɒlədʒi]

美 [maɪˈkɑ:lədʒi]


形容词: mycological 副词: mycologically 名词: mycologist 名词复数: mycologies

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1. the branch of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases

1. 真菌学:但是细胞必须演化出不同的系统让大分子的蛋白质或RNA运送到它们可司功能的部位.这些系统包括细胞核-细胞质间的运输,细第21章 真菌学 (Mycology)真菌(fungus)是一类真核细胞型微生物,

2. mycology的意思

2. 菌学:微生物不是一个自然类群,包括的种类甚为庞杂,可划分为病毒学(virology)、细菌学(bacteriology)、真菌学(mycology)等. 此外,以化石为研究对象的古生物学(paleontology)也属于此类. 按结构、机能以及各种生命过程划分的学科有形态学(morphology),

3. 真菌学,霉菌学:myasthenia 有无力 | mycology 真菌学,霉菌学 | mydriasis 瞳孔放大,散瞳

4. 直菌学:mycocecidium 菌瘦 | mycology 直菌学 | mycoplasma 支原体

And taxonomy ADAPTS the evidences of ultrastructure, genetics and molecular biology to form a comprehensive branch of mycology.(而真菌分类学则吸收超微结构特征,遗传学和分子生物学的论据组成综合的分枝学科。)
Medical mycology, a branch of mycology, mainly involves studies on various kinds of pathogenic fungi and fungal infective diseases.(医学真菌学是真菌学的一门分支学科,它包括了与医学相关的致病真菌与真菌病的研究。)
The Fifth Workshop was attended by some 35 participants , drawn from among food mycology and related disciplines around the world.(大约35个参加者参加了第5间工场,从全世界的食品真菌学和有关的学科之中汲取。)
Hyphal form of Candida albicans was thought to be the appropriate object of medical mycology.(白念珠菌的菌丝相细胞是进行其病原真菌学研究的适宜研究对象。)
Method A comparative study of psoriatic patients and normal controls in medical mycology and the curative effect of 1% bifonazole cream and 0.1% halcinonide cream was carried out.(方法对银屑病病人进行了真菌学研究和外用1%联苯苄唑霜与0.1%氯氟舒松霜对照治疗。)
Medical Mycology lends itself to illustration and as such there are over 40 additional images in this edition.(医学真菌学有助于插图,因此有超过在这版里的40幅附加图像。)
The author makes an amendment of the name of Reeds Fungi on the basis of the archaian document as well as of the Modern Mycology knowledge and fieldwork.(作者在整理古代文献的基础上,结合现代菌物学知识和野外考察,对菌的现代菌物名称进行了考订;)
It is a difficult problem for rapid and accurate identification of opportunistic fungal infections, especially deep infections, in clinical mycology laboratory.(如何快速、准确地诊断机会性真菌感染,特别是深部真菌感染一直是临床微生物实验室面临的难题之一。)
To do mycology analysis to the blank parent and its cracking weld for different procedure treatment to the blank before welding and occur weld crack during welding forming by different welding method.(用不同焊接方法,对坯料焊前作不同工艺处理,焊接成形时出现焊缝开裂,对其坯料母材及开裂焊缝作显微分析。)
It is active in under - and postgraduate training in the fields of botany, mycology, and plant physiology.(该所积极参于植物学,真菌学,和植物生理学领域的本科生和研究生训练。)
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