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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:01:55




形容词: millennial 副词: millennially 名词: millennialism 名词复数: millenniums

  • 详情解释

  • 网络解释

  • 千年期
  • 千禧年
  • 黄金时代
  • 一千年(间)
  • 太平盛世
  • 千周年纪念(日)
  • (一)千年至福
  • 白蜜
  • 大白圆粒
  • 全人类未来的幸福时代
  • 一千年的期间
  • 千福年(传说耶稣将重临人世统治的一千年)(与the连用)

1. 公司:在国外,药物开发承包已成为许多生物技术公司重要的收入来源,在保留自身核心的技术的前提下,与大制药公司合作,可以解决作为小公司生存发展所急需的现金流,这方面美国千岁公司(Millenium)是一个典范,过去6年中承包开发收入达11亿美元.

2. millenium的解释

2. 千福年:military chief军事首领 | millenium千福年 | Millennial Movement千福年运动

  • 经典引文

  • The millenniums preceding the 17th century.

    出自:Scientific American
  • The distilled wisdom of millennia of human experience.

    出自:Sunday Times
At least 50 trees have been around for more than a millenium, but there may be countless other ancient trees that haven't been discovered yet.(目前至少已经发现50棵树木的树龄超过了1000岁,但是也许还有我们目前没有发现的很多古老树木超过这个树龄。)
Were no tomorrow and some concerned about the millenium believe there might not be a tomorrow!(不是明天和一些大约一千年关心相信可能没有一明天!)
I can still clearly remember the problem before the millenium that caused global panic.(我还清楚地记得,在千年问题引起全球恐慌。)
Angola is also in Millenium BCP's sights and the bank plans to enter the market by creating a new bank, said Teixeira Pinto.(TeixeiraPinto说,目前千禧银行又瞄准了安哥拉市场,准备创办新银行以进入安金融市场。)
Not like others, he chose to stay in front of his computer to welcome the New Millenium.(跟别人不同,他选择呆在电脑前迎接新千年的到来。)
The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history. We have just crossed the threshold of the 21st century and the curtain of the new millenium is slowly rising.(人类已进入了历史上的一个全新阶段。我们刚刚跨入21世纪的门槛,新千年的帷幕正在徐徐升起。)
Well, how many chances do you get to roll out an operating system during a millenium?(你有多少机会能赶上在千禧年发布操作系统呢?)
Black millenium has come, all is lost.(黑色千禧到了,一切都失落了。)
The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is convened on the eve of the new millenium when profound and complicated changes are taking place in the world.(中非合作论坛召开之际,正值千年之交,世界正在发生深刻而复杂的变化。)
The market took careful note on Friday that Portugal’s biggest banks, Millenium, BPI, and Banco Espirito Santo are preparing to take up the state’s emergency credit guarantees.(星期五,金融市场细心地留意到葡萄牙最大的银行,千禧银行,BPI银行和圣精银行正在准备接受国家的紧急信贷担保。)
millenium是什么意思 millenium在线翻译 millenium什么意思 millenium的意思 millenium的翻译 millenium的解释 millenium的发音 millenium的同义词