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英 [ˌmɪsˈgaɪdɪd]

美 [mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd]


副词: misguidedly

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 搞错的
  • 被错误指导的
  • 被带入歧途的
  • 被指导错误的
  • 被带错的
  • 误入歧途的
  • 被误导的
  • 由错误思想指引的
  • 不明智的
  • 基础错误的
  • 举措失当的
  • 被错误引导的
  • 动词misguide的过去式和过去分词
  • 由错误思想指引地
  • 不明智地


1. wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment

e.g. well-meaning but misguided teachers
a mistaken belief
mistaken identity

Synonym: mistaken

2. poorly conceived or thought out

e.g. an ill-conceived plan to take over the company

Synonym: ill-conceived

1. (观点、计划)受错误思想引导的;(人)被错误地引导的,被引入歧途的
If you describe an opinion or plan as misguided, you are critical of it because you think it is based on an incorrect idea. You can also describe people as misguided.


e.g. In a misguided attempt to be funny, he manages only offensiveness...
e.g. He is misguided in expecting honesty from her.

1. 被误导的:misguide 误导 | misguided 被误导的 | mishandled 不能处理

2. 误解:Please... accept my...|请接受我的... | ...misguided...|误解 | - How concerned should I be? - It was a misunderstanding.|-我是不是该操心? -纯属是个误会

3. 被误导了的:rail against 责骂 | misguided 被误导了的 | bigot 顽固者

  • 经典引文

  • A..tragedy of a lonely, misguided and tormented spirit.

    出自:M. Meyer
  • The country has been brought to a halt by the..misguided actions of..malcontents.

    出自:Private Eye
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

That is sorely misguided.(这是极大的误导。)
Yet this is misguided.(但这是被误导了。)
Do you think he - or Dylan - is misguided?(你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗?)
I think that's really a misguided objection.(我想这真是一个有误导性的反驳。)
Critics, claim Coffin, are misguided.(考芬宣称那些批评者在误导人们。)
Any such presumption is totally misguided.(这样的假设完全是被误导的。)
But knocking it is misguided.(不过指责的人其实是被误导了。)
The insistence on buying a house to live in, however, may in fact be misguided.(但是,对于买房居住的坚持有可能会被误导。)
These impulses are understandable, but they are misguided.(这些冲动是可以理解的,但也是受到误导的。)
That seems odd; that seems misguided.(那似乎很奇怪,那似乎是错的。)
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