英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:05:27


英 [ˈmɪstrəl]

美 ['mɪstrəl]


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1. a strong north wind that blows in France during the winter

1. 密史脱拉风:像是法制的'密史脱拉风'(MISTRAL)啦,德制的'巨龙'(DRACHE)啦,英制的'飓风'(CYCLONE)啦,还有美制的'丛林法兰绒'(BUSHNEL)啦,还有其它各式各样的,什么都有.

2. 密史脱拉风(地中海北岸):mist 薄雾 | mistral 密史脱拉风(地中海北岸) | mixed farming 混合农业

3. mistral是什么意思

3. 寒冷西北风:mistook 弄错 | mistral 寒冷西北风 | mistranslate 错译

Burtsev also confirmed that Russia was planning to purchase one of the Mistral warships and to construct a further four warships under license.(Burtsev还证实,俄罗斯正在计划购买一艘“西北风”军舰,在许可下有可能进一步建造四艘军舰。)
In the end however, it was via the delicate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indelible and substantive mark.(然而,加芙列拉·米斯特拉尔最终却是借助诗歌这一神妙的艺术留下了难以磨灭的永恒印记。)
Vessel is armed with two Simbad launchers for Mistral surface-to-air missiles, two 30-mm Breda-Mauser guns and 4 12.7 mm M2-HB Browning machine guns.(船舶装备有两个米斯特拉尔表面Simbad发射对空导弹,两个30毫米布雷达-毛瑟火炮和4挺12.7毫米M2型乙肝布朗宁机枪。)
Along the Rh? Ne Valley, occasional strong, cold, dry, north - to - northwesterly wind known as the mistral.(罗讷山谷沿线偶尔会出现从北部吹响西北的干冷的强风。)
Yet it is slightly pickier than rivals over whom to sell to (nothing like France’s sale of Mistral ships to Russia).(然而,德国在把武器出售给谁这方面比它的竞争对手稍微挑剔些,(不象法国向俄罗斯出售米斯特拉尔船)。)
Frederic Mistral, born not far from Arles, devoted his life to literature and Provence.(弗雷德里克·米斯特拉尔,出生在阿尔附近,把一生献给了文学和普罗旺斯。)
What little strength the had left from his painting, he spent in fighting the mistral.(那些在绘画后仅剩的力量,也被用来对付西北风。)
Russia is currently in talks with France on the purchase of two Mistral class helicopter carriers and the construction of two others under a French license.(俄罗斯目前正在与法国就采购两艘Mistral级直升机航空母舰以及另外两艘的建造事宜进行谈判。)
"In November, the Mistral helicopter carrier will arrive on a visit to St. Petersburg, " the first deputy chief of the Navy general staff, Oleg Burtsev, told the news agency.(海军参谋部第一副主任OlegBurtsev告诉新闻社说,“11月,“西北风”军舰将抵达圣彼得堡进行访问”。)
In 1951, a new English language bookstore named "Le Mistral" was opened in Paris.(1951年,一家名为“LeMistral”的新英语书店在巴黎开业。)
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