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更新时间:2025-03-03 14:26:15



英 [ˈmɒdɪst]

美 [ˈmɑ:dɪst]


副词: modestly

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  • 谦虚的
  • 适度的
  • 端庄的
  • 有节制的
  • 羞怯的
  • 审慎的
  • 稳重的
  • 不太大的
  • 些许的
  • 谦恭的
  • 朴素的
  • 谨慎的
  • 客气的
  • 优雅的
  • 淑静的
  • 贞节的
  • 谦虚的,谦恭的 having or expressing a lower opinion of one's own ability than is probably deserved; hiding one's good qualities
  • 适中的,适度的 not large in quantity, size, value, etc.


1. limited in size or scope

e.g. a small business
a newspaper with a modest circulation
small-scale plans
a pocket-size country

Synonym: minorsmallsmall-scalepocket-sizepocket-sized

2. not large but sufficient in size or amount

e.g. a modest salary
modest inflation
helped in my own small way

Synonym: small

3. not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance

4. marked by simplicity
having a humble opinion of yourself

e.g. a modest apartment
too modest to wear his medals

5. free from pomp or affectation

e.g. comfortable but modest cottages
a simple rectangular brick building
a simple man with simple tastes

6. humble in spirit or manner
suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness

e.g. meek and self-effacing

Synonym: meekmild

7. low or inferior in station or quality

e.g. a humble cottage
a lowly parish priest
a modest man of the people
small beginnings

Synonym: humblelowlowlysmall

1. (房屋等)不太大的,不算昂贵的,普通的
A modest house or other building is not large or expensive.

e.g. ...the modest home of a family who lived off the land...
e.g. A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £35.

2. (数量、比率或改进程度)不太高的,适度的,适中的
You use modest to describe something such as an amount, rate, or improvement which is fairly small.

e.g. Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7%...
e.g. The democratic reforms have been modest...

Britain's balance of payments improved modestly last month.

3. 谦虚的;谦恭的;谦逊的
If you say that someone is modest, you approve of them because they do not talk much about their abilities or achievements.

e.g. He's modest, as well as being a great player...
e.g. Lord Carrington is modest about his achievements.

'You really must be very good at what you do.' — 'I suppose I am,' Kate said modestly.

4. (女性或其衣着)端庄的,保守的;(行为)正派的,检点的
You can describe a woman as modest when she avoids doing or wearing anything that might cause men to have sexual feelings towards her. You can also describe her clothes or behaviour as modest .


e.g. Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force...
e.g. Respect the local etiquete. Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops.

She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.


1. 谦虚:4.谦虚(Modest). 谦虚是中国人的传统美德之一. 中国人常常是自我否定来表示谦虚. 当受到别人赞扬时,自己却贬损自己. 中国人在听到别人赞美自己的长相、衣服漂亮时,往往会谦虚一番:哪里,哪里. 当这种赞扬遭到中国人拒绝时,

2. 中庸:公平地来讲,现在中国企业仍然处于比较中庸(modest)的阶段,野心不宜过大. 若维特:给中国企业的一个建议是,中国企业要有清晰的计划和战略目标,首先要集中经营,业务能力要不断地练习才能得到显著的增长. 为什么有些收购会破坏公司的价值?

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He is a very modest person.
  • Parents told us that we would study from others in a modest attitude.
  • Many people become conceited after only modest success.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Leonard..sat in modest silence, with lowered eyes.

    出自:J. F. Lehmann
  • He was too modest to believe that Penelope could have fallen in love with him.

    出自:B. Pym
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • modest作“谦虚的,谦恭的 ”解时,指没有夸大地估计自己的能力或价值,没有浮夸或自负; 作“适度的”解时,主要用于质量、大小、价值。modest还可作“端庄的”“庄重的”解,此时多指女性的品行或修养; 也可指妇女的穿着、言行、举止等“羞怯的,不好意思的”。
  • ☆ 16世纪60年代进入英语,直接源自法语的modeste;最初源自古典拉丁语的modestus,意为(行为)等保持一定尺度内。
He's modest, as well as being a great player.(他是一个谦虚而且出色的运动员。)
Even a modest force, if sustained over a long time, would do.(如果它持续很长的时间的话,即使风力不大也可以做到。)
Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.(要谦虚,否则就要落后。)
He was modest and diffident about his own success.(他很谦虚,不愿谈及自己的成功。)
You're too modest!(你太谦虚了!)
She's very modest about her success.(她对自己的成功非常谦虚。)
He was typically modest about his achievements.(他一如既往,对自己的成就很谦虚。)
On the sides of the classroom you will generally find modest and thoughtful people.(在教室的两侧,你通常会发现谦虚和体贴的人。)
They carry only a modest risk for the disease.(他们患这种病的风险不大。)
Unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7%.(失业率升高到0.7%这个还算低的水平。)
modest是什么意思 modest在线翻译 modest什么意思 modest的意思 modest的翻译 modest的解释 modest的发音 modest的同义词