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更新时间:2025-03-24 17:59:26



英 [məˈmentəs]

美 [moʊˈmentəs]


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副词: momentously 名词: momentousness

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  • 重大的
  • 重要的
  • 关键的
  • 声势浩大的
  • 巨大的
  • 严重的
  • 重大的,严重的 very important or serious


1. of very great significance

e.g. deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision
a momentous event

1. 重大的;关键的;有影响的
If you refer to a decision, event, or change as momentous, you mean that it is very important, often because of the effects that it will have in the future.

e.g. ...the momentous decision to send in the troops...
e.g. The past three years have been among the most momentous in world history.


1. 重大的:22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的 | momentous 重大的 | 23) memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的

2. 重大,极重要的:momentary 刹那,瞬息的 | momentous 重大,极重要的 | momentum 运动量,动力

3. 重要的:1. The momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil.人生中最重要的... | Momentous: 重要的 | 2. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man...

4. momentous

4. 重大的,重要的:momentary 片刻的,瞬间的 | momentous 重大的,重要的 | monotonous 单调的,枯燥乏味的

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • There was no doubt it would be a momentous occasion.
  • Never before..has mankind had such momentous choices placed in his hands.

    出自:M. Mead
  • A momentous day for Europe, for it marked the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.

    出自:M. Meyer
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Last year was awful but momentous.(去年是糟糕的一年,但也具有重大意义。)
Invention is momentous and fundamental to people what the soul is vital and significant to us.(发明对人来说是重要且根本的,正如灵魂对我们来说是重要的。)
The second order is more momentous.(第二项指令则更加声势浩大。)
But it has also witnessed two momentous events.(它也见证了两项重大事件。)
Very soon, as the days grow shorter and the rains return, leaders could face a momentous decision.(很快,随着白昼渐短、雨季归来,各国领导人将面对一个重大决定。)
Because it was such a momentous occasion, they could not take the chance sounding badly.(在那样一个重大场合,他们不能冒表演失败的风险。)
In that year, two momentous discoveries were made.(那年有2项重大的新发现。)
In early 2008, Sabine and his wife made the momentous decision to have a child.(2008年初,Sabine夫妇做了一个重大决定——他们决定要一个孩子。)
It is a momentous event, something we will tell our children's children about.(像这样重大的事件,日后一定会在我们的儿孙辈间传述。)
Nanopores are tiny, but if they can be harnessed, the consequences could be momentous.(纳米孔很微小,但是如果能够合理利用,意义将是巨大的。)
momentous是什么意思 momentous在线翻译 momentous什么意思 momentous的意思 momentous的翻译 momentous的解释 momentous的发音 momentous的同义词