英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:10:36


英 [ˈməʊped]

美 [ˈmoʊped]



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  • 摩托自行车
  • 机动脚踏两用车
  • 助动车
  • 动词mope的过去式和过去分词形式


1. a motorbike that can be pedaled or driven by a low-powered gasoline engine

1. 电动自行车;机动脚踏车;助力车
A moped is a small motorcycle which you can also pedal like a bicycle.


1. 轻便摩托车:国家标准<>(GB 7258-2004 ) 3.6 轻便摩托车(moped) 无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计车速不大于 50km/h ,且若使用内燃机,其排量不大于 50mL 的两轮或三轮车辆,包括两轮轻便摩托车和三轮轻便摩托车,

2. 两用车:例如美国的规定是限制时速32公里,欧洲对Ped elc的规定25公里,对机器脚踏两用车(Moped)的规定是45km/h;其次,我要从电动车业界厂家的角度来谈一谈你所看到的现象背后的原因,1998年我们少数厂家在讨论电动自行车国标时,

3. moped在线翻译

3. 助动车:周日晚上,小教堂开了边门--二十年来的记忆中,它像灵隐寺一样不大开正门,天子偶尔回去灵隐寺,却不会到这里来,所以我看到正门开的希望极端渺茫,除非......--很多人推着自行车、助动车(moped)进去,里头灯火通明,传来空灵的歌声,

4. 摩托自行车:藉口五:除非你驾驶的是像摩托自行车(moped)或单脚滑行车(scooter)这样的低速交通工具,你的车能够跑得像飞翔时时速在160至320公里的雨燕那样快. 瑞典的一项研究显示,将车速减低5%,将有效降低14%至20%的车祸风险.

  • 临近词

Today, as I was walking home, a friend passed me by on his moped, and sprayed a bunch of silly string at me.(今天,在我走回家的时候,一个朋友骑着他的电动车从我身边过,拿彩条喷罐喷了我一堆。)
The floor is also packed with an assortment of electric things including a bicycle, a moped and even a battery-powered racing car.(地板上陈列着各式各样的电动玩意,有电动自行车、电动脚踏车,甚至还有电动赛车。)
Its low-cost engineering fulfilled the aspiration of millions of moped-riding Indians for whom a four-wheel drive was far out of reach.(该车搭载的低成本引擎让数百万原本驾驶摩托车的印度人实现了曾经遥不可及的轿车梦。)
A tiny monkey was left momentarily dazed after being struck by a moped while scampering across the road.(瘦弱的小猴在过马路时被一辆摩托车撞到,一时昏迷不醒。)
That mountain Bike was refitted to become a moped.(那辆山地车已经被改装成了一辆助力车。)
After I moped around for a few weeks, my friends gave me a surprise party for my B-day.(闷闷不乐地过了几个星期后,我的朋友出奇不意地为我举行了一个生日晚会。)
No visit to Thailand's islands is complete without hiring a moped.(不租一辆机器脚踏车,到泰国的旅游就不算完整。)
He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.(他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。)
He moped about in the house all day.(他整天没精打采地在家里闲荡。)
This product used for E-bike, E- moped and so on.(此规格电池应用于电动自行车、电动助力车等。)
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