英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈməʊtəweɪ]

美 [ˈmoʊtərweɪ]



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  • (高速)公路
  • 汽车道
  • 快车道
  • 汽车高速公路


1. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic

Synonym: expresswayfreewaypikestate highwaysuperhighwaythroughwaythruway

1. 高速公路
A motorway is a major road that has been specially built for fast travel over long distances. Motorways have several lanes and special places where traffic gets on and leaves.


e.g. ...the M1 motorway.
M1 高速公路
e.g. ...the national motorway network.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 freeway

1. 高速公路:全国道路虽四通八达,品质普通,惟高速公路(Motorway)、弯曲狭窄之乡间小路及市区道路混杂其间,宽窄不一,为此间道路特色. 加油站非常普遍,爱国驾车车向靠左,驾驶人右坐,一般人驾车尚有礼,然亦多莽撞之徒,且常有酒醉驾车情形,

2. motorway

2. 快车道:随同所用的设计方法,也相应出现了各具特色的显示方法,例如,快车道(Motorway)显示、面向功能显示、面向任务显示、生态接口显示及虚拟现实技术等. 最近十年,已经出现了综观核电厂的两种显示:Beltracchi显示和快车道显示,其他技术也在快速发展中,


3. 公路:一般在建筑物多的地方是30英里/小时;繁华闹市区是40英里/小时;公路上是50英里/小时;高速公路(motorway)上是70英里/小时. 在市区停车的规定非常严格,有专门的交通主管人员检查未经许可的停车.

4. 汽车高速公路:mall 林荫道;购物中心 | motorway 汽车高速公路 | parkway 公园道路

  • 经典引文

  • A motorway differs from all other types of road in that it has no crossroads, no traffic lights, no pedestrian crossings.sssss attrib.: J. Mann

    出自:Radio Times,ssss
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She prattled on as she drove out to the motorway.(她开车上公路时一直絮叨不停。)
A contraflow system is in operation on this section of the motorway.(这段高速公路的一侧正在实行双向行驶。)
The getaway car was dumped near the motorway.(那辆逃亡的小汽车被丢弃在高速公路附近。)
In 1958, Britain celebrated the opening of its first motorway—the Preston Bypass.(1958年,英国庆祝了其第一条高速公路的开通,也就是如今的普雷斯顿路段。)
I drove south on Motorway 9.(我在9号高速公路上向南行驶。)
A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed.(一段九英里长的高速公路已关闭。)
I drove back down the motorway at normal speed.(我以正常速度沿高速公路往回开。)
About 15 minutes down the motorway, out of the blue, he announced that I was heading in the wrong direction for Weymouth.(在高速公路上开了大约15分钟后,他突然宣布我往错误的方向去了韦茅斯。)
Trying to do this behind a big lorry on a motorway is extremely dangerous.(在高速公路上跟在大卡车后面这样做是非常危险的。)
Service stations came with the motorway and the legend of the transport café was born.(高速公路上有了加油站后,传奇般的交通小餐馆由此诞生。)
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