For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris , civet, musk and castoreum.(多年来,用的较多的固定剂是动物制品龙涎香、香猫香、麝香、以及河狸香。)
This will allow Musk and his cohorts to arrange a kingdom on Earth - secure, well stocked, and very high tech.(这将允许马斯克和他的同事在地球上安排一个安全、便于存储、高科技的王国。)
When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots, we should look forward to the day in admiration.(当埃隆·马斯克表示,他的新首要任务是利用人工智能制造家用机器人时,我们应该怀着钦佩的心情期待这一天的到来。)
Musk is a guy who gets things done.(马斯克是一个能摆平各种事的人。)
It has the odour of musk.(它有一种麝香的气味。)
Mr Musk believes that Tesla’s focus and Silicon Valley agility give it an advantage over incumbent carmakers.(马斯克相信泰斯拉公司产品专一的特点与硅谷的灵活性相结合,使它与那些轿车市场的霸主相比更加具有优势。)
Elon Musk has a dream of going to Mars, so Falcon 1 was his first expression of actually trying to make that a reality.(伊隆·穆斯科梦想着要前往火星,猎鹰1号就是他要实现梦想的第一次尝试。)
Flotillas of crimson leaves sailed by downstream, andstripe-necked musk turtles swam over to survey us as we counted fish.(深红色的树叶顺流而下,带有条纹的麝龟从溪流中游过,盯着正在数鱼的我们一行人。)
Musk became CEO of the combined company and decided it was time for a technological overhaul.(马思科成了这家联合公司的首席执行官之后就决定当时是进行技术大变革的时候了。)
Elon Musk "is someone I can learn from," he said.(他说,“我可以向埃隆·马斯克学习。”)
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