英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 14:53:39


英 [ˈmʌzi]

美 [ˈmʌzi]


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副词: muzzily 比较级: muzzier 最高级: muzziest 名词: muzziness

  • 英英释义

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1. confused and vague
used especially of thinking

e.g. muddleheaded ideas
your addled little brain
woolly thinking
woolly-headed ideas

Synonym: addledbefuddledmuddledwoollywoolywoolly-headedwooly-minded

2. indistinct or hazy in outline

e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
the trees were just blurry shapes

Synonym: blearyblurredblurryfoggyfuzzyhazy

1. (通常由于生病或饮酒过多而)头脑糊涂的,昏昏沉沉的
If someone feels muzzy, they are confused and unable to think clearly, usually because they are ill or have drunk too much alcohol.


2. (照片或电视图像)模糊不清的,蒙眬的
If a photograph or television picture is muzzy, it is unclear.

1. 发呆的:muzzleloading 前装式的 | muzzy 发呆的 | my 我的

2. 迷惑的:fuzzy 模糊的 | muzzy 迷惑的 | slur 发音含糊

3. muzzy在线翻译

3. 发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的:muzz /使发呆/使迟钝/ | muzzy /发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的/ | my /我的/表示亲切的招呼语/吾/

4. 头脑糊涂的:叛变的;反抗的 Mutinous | 头脑糊涂的 Muzzy | 多才多艺的 Myriad-minded

  • 经典引文

  • Muzzy with all the complicated insurance formulae I have been studying.

    出自:B. Castle
  • A bit muzzy probably after all that port and brandy.

    出自:M. Keane
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The picture is muzzy.(这个图片很模糊。)
Taylor was breathing a sign of relief that midfielder Muzzy Izzet's neck injury is not as serious as first feared after he was stretchered off following a collision with Lee Dixon.(艾锡伤势不如原先想象般严重,泰莱可以暂时松一口气。艾锡和迪臣碰撞受伤,要由担架抬出场。)
Now the voice sounded muzzy. "I think I hit my head on something . . ."(“啊~”这个声音晕晕乎乎的响起“我想我头撞上了什么东西。”)
After a couple of whisky my head feels all muzzy.(我喝了两杯威士忌,就昏头昏脑的了。)
After a couple of wines my head felt all muzzy.(喝了两杯酒就昏头昏脑的了。)
The television picture's muzzy.(电视画面模糊不清。)
Those drugs made me feel muzzy.(那些药使我昏昏欲睡。)
So let's play a game like the one my friends at the Muzzy Lane software company are currently designing, which has the working title “New World Disorder.(那么我们开始玩一个游戏吧,就是我在莫西兰软件公司的朋友正在开发的那种游戏,这个游戏暂名为“新的全球混乱”。)
muzzy是什么意思 muzzy在线翻译 muzzy什么意思 muzzy的意思 muzzy的翻译 muzzy的解释 muzzy的发音 muzzy的同义词