英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈnæti]

美 [ˈnæti]


副词: nattily 比较级: nattier 最高级: nattiest 名词: nattiness

He turned back into a natty shepherd, lying still on the green ground.(他转身回到一件整洁利落的牧人、说谎仍然在绿色的地面上。)
The code named Natty Narwhal, Ubuntu 11.04 is slated for release in April 2011.(这次开发的代码是NattyNarwhal,Ubuntu11.04预计于2011年4月发布。)
Natty Rothschild remarked that if this had not happened, perhaps the entire private banking system of London would have collapsed, which would have created a tremendous economic catastrophe.(纳蒂•罗斯柴尔德(NattyRothschild)指出,若非如此,伦敦的私人银行体系也许会全面崩溃,导致一场空前的经济灾难。)
His cap was a dainty thing, his close-buttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons.(他的帽子很精致,他蓝色的上衣紧紧地扣着,又新又整洁,他的裤子也是如此。)
He bows to the judges pretty much as low as everybody else. Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip.(他比任何人都深地向法官鞠躬,在法庭上永远是一尘不染的整洁装束。)
On a bare stage with a couple of heavily annotated books, Mr Sands is like an eager pupil in a natty suit, charismatic yet nervous.(光秃秃的舞台上只有两三本书,书上有大量的注解,詹德斯象一名热切的小学生,穿着整齐的西装、充满魅力,但也紧张不安。)
Please keep this office natty and use the binaries provided.(请保持办公室整洁,使用所提供的垃圾箱。)
Beneath their chic and natty appearances they respond to atavistic and primitive impulses.(在他们那潇洒敏捷的外表里面,涌动着返祖性的原始冲动。)
He is a natty dresser.(他是个穿衣整洁时髦的潮人。)
  • 详情解释

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  • 整洁的
  • 敏捷的
  • 灵巧的
  • 潇洒的
  • 干净的
  • 整洁时髦的
  • 设计精妙的
  • 聪明的
  • 清爽的
  • 整洁漂亮的
  • 帅的
  • 清楚的
  • 机敏的
  • 纳蒂(人名)


1. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners

e.g. a dapper young man
a jaunty red hat

Synonym: dapperdashingjauntyraffishrakishspiffysnappyspruce

1. (尤指男士服装)整洁漂亮的,整洁时髦的
If you describe clothes, especially men's clothes, as natty, you mean that they are smart and neat.

e.g. ...a natty pin stripe suit...
e.g. Cliff was a natty dresser.

2. 灵巧的;小巧方便的
If you describe something as natty, you think it is smart and cleverly designed.


e.g. ...natty little houses.

1. 整洁的:Impertinence:卤莽,无礼,不恰当 | Natty:整洁的 | Tatty:衣衫蓝缕的

2. 帅的:nattilyshipshapetidilytrimly 整洁地 | natty 帅的 | natulane 甲基苄肼


3. 整洁的;潇洒的:monolithic 巨石的,巨大的 | natty 整洁的;潇洒的 | nice 精密的

4. 整洁的/帅的/清楚的/敏捷的:nattiness /整洁/帅/ | natty /整洁的/帅的/清楚的/敏捷的/ | natulane /甲基苄肼/

  • 经典引文

  • He..wore natty clothes.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • Natty plastic cloths..covered the tables.

    出自:T. Keneally
  • A handsome..man and a natty dresser.

    出自:E. Simpson
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