英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 12:45:47



英 [ˈdæpə(r)]

美 ['dæpər]


副词: dapperly 名词: dapperness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 整洁的
  • 短小精悍的
  • 伶俐爽快的
  • 小巧玲珑的
  • 整洁漂亮的
  • 动作敏捷的
  • 潇洒的
  • 整齐的
  • 衣冠楚楚的
  • 干净的



1. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners

e.g. a dapper young man
a jaunty red hat

Synonym: dashingjauntynattyraffishrakishspiffysnappyspruce

1. (男子)衣冠整洁的,短小精悍的
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often also small and thin.

e.g. ...a dapper little man.

1. dapper是什么意思

1. 整洁的:daphnia 水蚤 | dapper 整洁的 | dapperling 短小精悍的人

2. 干净的衣冠楚楚的:babble 胡 | dapper 干净的衣冠楚楚的 | dappled 有斑 点

3. dapper

3. 整洁漂亮的,动作敏捷的:crucial 决定性的 | dapper 整洁漂亮的;动作敏捷的 | definitive 明确的,有权威的

4. 花花公子:daily grind 每日例行苦工 | dapper 花花公子 | days are numbered 来日无多

  • 经典引文

  • Mounting my dapper nagg, Pegasus.

    出自:Anthony Wood
  • Those walks..with her father, in those days rather dapper, with yellow kid gloves, and an Inverness cape.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He looked very dapper in his new suit.(他穿着新衣服看上去很帅。)
The head of his department was a man named Jay, who was very dapper and good-looking and devoted to his wife, Moura.(他那个部门的一把手叫杰伊,是个整洁英俊的男人,很爱他的妻子莫拉。)
I saw the very dapper Rick Fox...(我看到了非常俊俏的里克·福克斯。)
The decorative case is dapper. The decorative case has perfect visual effects on treasuring articles.(该装饰盒小巧玲珑,珍藏物品时有较好的直观效果。)
As we descend from the train, a dapper man of about sixty takes Lisa's case from her, wincing when he feels the weight of it.(岁上下的先生从丽莎手中接过了箱子,当他感受到箱子的分量时,脸上抽搐了一下。)
He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey.(他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人,非常自负,丑得象只猴子。)
In person Dr. Proudie is a good-looking man, spruce and dapper and very tidy.(就仪表而言,普劳迪博士是一位仪表堂堂的人,潇洒,漂亮,十分整洁。)
Earlier this month we wrote about the recent improvement in Dapper MashupAds, a product we first spotted over a year ago.(本月初,我们写到DapperMashupAds最近的改进。我们最先关注这个产品是在一年前。)
What a dapper little man!(好一个短小精悍的人!)
The older generation doesn't need a fictional TV character, however dapper, to convince them of the briefcase's charms.(老一辈的人则无需虚构的电视剧角色——无论他有多么风度翩翩——来让他们相信公文包的魅力。)
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