英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:20:45


英 [ˈnævɪgəbl]

美 [ˈnævɪɡəbəl]


副词: navigably 名词: navigability

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 可航行的
  • 可操纵的
  • 可驾驶的
  • 可通船的
  • (河流等)适于航行的,耐航行的
  • 可操纵航向的
  • 适于航空的
  • 可操纵航行的
  • 可通航的
  • 可领航的
  • 可行船的
  • 飞艇
  • 适航性


1. able to be sailed on or through safely

e.g. navigable waters
a navigable channel

1. (河流)可航行的,适于航行的
A navigable river is wide and deep enough for a boat to travel along safely.

e.g. ...the navigable portion of the Nile.
e.g. ...the Tiber, which was then still navigable.

1. navigable在线翻译

1. 可航行的:navigability 适航性 | navigable 可航行的 | navigate 航行

2. 正航行的:to heave to 使船停驶 | navigable 正航行的 | to sail 扬帆航行

3. 可航行的;适航的:navigable semicircle 可航半圆 | navigable 可航行的;适航的 | navigating instrument 导航仪

4. 可航的:navigable zone 航行区域 | navigable 可航的 | navigable 可航行的

  • 经典引文

  • The river is too shallow to be navigable by anything larger than a canoe.

    出自:P. Theroux
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

As this example deals with navigable associations only, it assumes that association ends are always owned by the classes.(由于这个例子只处理可浏览的关联,它假设关联的结束永远属于类。)
DOM provides this, in the form of a navigable tree of elements, attributes, and text nodes.(DOM提供了一个这样的模型,一个可导航的元素、属性和文本节点树。)
It has been supplanted by the safer and more navigable bathyscaph.(它现已被更安全、更能航行的深海潜测艇所代替。)
Using the node-set extension function to convert a Result Tree Fragment (RTF) to be navigable and filterable.(使用node-set扩展函数使结果树片段(rtf)能够导航和筛选。)
This was a whole new level: far from any settlements and often five days' walk from the nearest stretch of river navigable by boat.(这是一个全新的地方:远离任何居民点,经常要从这条河最近的水域划船行驶5天。)
China has 123,000 km of navigable waterways, of which 61,000 km are officially classified for commercial navigation purposes.(中国约有12.3万公里可通航的河道,其中6.1万公里为商业运输航道。)
But 900km will have to be dredged to make the river fully navigable, which would quintuple its shipping capacity.(但是900公里的路途必须要疏浚来使河流保持完全可通行状态,这将使它现在的通航容量提高5倍。)
While not a new idea, WeFollow offers a clean, well-executed design and easily navigable pages that are clearly refreshed often.(WeFollow的点子并不新颖,但是它提供了一个干净利索而且容易上手的页面,页面的刷新也很频繁。)
In other words, we could be seeing some seriously cool navigable robot insects.(换言之,我们可能即将看到一些相当酷的可操纵的机器昆虫。)
Prior to 1815, western farmers who did not live on navigable waterways were connected to them only by dirt roads and mountain trails.(1815年之前,那些没有生活在通航的水路旁的西部农民只能从土路和山道前往那些航道。)
navigable是什么意思 navigable在线翻译 navigable什么意思 navigable的意思 navigable的翻译 navigable的解释 navigable的发音 navigable的同义词