英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 14:57:24



英 [ˈnebjələ]

美 [ˈnɛbjələ]


形容词: nebular 名词复数: nebulae

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  • 喷雾剂
  • 【天】星云
  • 【医】角膜云翳
  • 星云状积尘
  • 雾影
  • 溷浊
  • 薄翳
  • 星云状的星系
  • 妮布拉(音译)


1. (pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea

2. an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space

3. cloudiness of the urine

4. a medicinal liquid preparation intended for use in an atomizer

1. 星云
A nebula is a cloud of dust and gas in space. New stars are produced from nebulae.

e.g. ...the Great Nebula.

1. 喷雾剂:较大雾粒的喷雾剂(nebula)只能用于鼻咽部的局部治疗,如抗菌、消炎、祛痰、通鼻塞等. 4.经皮(transdermal)给药除汗腺外,皮肤不透水,但脂溶性药物可以缓慢通透. 许多杀虫药可以经皮吸收中毒. 利用这一原理可以经皮给药以达到局部或全身药效,

2. 雲海:12. Blue logoon 藍色珊瑚 -- Bandari | 13. Nebula 雲海 -- Bandari | 14.Nights of barcelona 巴塞罗纳之夜-- Bandari

3. nebula在线翻译

3. 希腊语 ( 感谢:罗马尼亚 ( 感谢 sopo ) | 希腊语 ( 感谢 Nebula7 ) | 斯洛文尼亚语 ( 感谢 xxxLesy )

4. nebula:natural electronic business users language; 自然电子商务用户语言

We have a nebula!(我们创造了一座星云!)
The same minerals that occur in refractory inclusions are believed to be the earliest-formed substances to have condensed out of the solar nebula.(难熔的内含物中的那种矿物质,也被认为是最早形成的太阳星云凝结的物质。)
Emission nebula Sharpless 249 fills the field at the upper left.(发射星云沙普利斯249弥漫在图像的左上部。)
The prominent patch at top left is 30 Doradus, also know as the magnificent Tarantula Nebula.(左上角最突出的部分是箭鱼座30星团,也被称为壮丽的蜘蛛星云。)
As the nebula collapsed caused by its gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk.(当星云因其重力而坍缩时,它旋转得更快,并压扁成一个盘状。)
L the Horsehead nebula in Orion is the best-known dark nebula.(l猎户星座中的马头星云是最著名的暗星云。)
To the right is the Soul nebula, also known as the Embryo nebula, or IC 1848.(星云的右边是灵星云,也叫做胚胎星云,指定图像代码为IC1848。)
It seems very unlikely that large portions of the nebula were heated to such extreme temperatures, and huge nebula areas could not possibly have lost heat so fast.(星云的大部分都被加热到如此极端的温度似乎是不太可能的,而巨大的星云区域不可能这么快就失去热量。)
Near the image bottom lies IC 4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula.(在照片底端附近是有蓝色马头星云之称的IC4592。)
How was the unusual Red Rectangle nebula created?(这个不寻常的红色矩形星云是怎么形成的?)
nebula是什么意思 nebula在线翻译 nebula什么意思 nebula的意思 nebula的翻译 nebula的解释 nebula的发音 nebula的同义词