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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:25:59



英 [ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm]

美 [ˈnaɪəˌlɪzəm, ˈni-]


形容词: nihilistic 副词: nihilistically 名词: nihilist

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1. a revolutionary doctrine that advocates destruction of the social system for its own sake

2. complete denial of all established authority and institutions

3. the delusion that things (or everything, including the self) do not exist
a sense that everything is unreal

Synonym: nihilistic delusion

1. 虚无主义
Nihilism is a belief which rejects all political and religious authority and current ideas in favour of the individual.


e.g. Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?

Why wasn't Weber a nihilist?

1. nihilism

1. 拒绝相信:谱系 genealogy | 拒绝相信 Nihilism | 超人 overman


2. 虚无主义,极端怀疑论:nanotechnology 纳米技术 | nihilism 虚无主义,极端怀疑论 | nomenclature (某一学科的)术语, 专门名称


3. 虚无主义,无政府主义:pugilism 拳击,搏击 | nihilism 虚无主义,无政府主义 | metabolism [生理]新陈代谢(作用)

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His nihilism leads him back to the fact of his redemption, however, which is what he would have liked so much to get away from.(他的虚无主义将他拉回救赎的现实中,然而,这却是他极想逃避的东西。)
Part three proves the modern sense of nihilism.(第三部分论述了虚无意识的现代主义宣泄。)
The defence lawyers argue that the case against Mr Khodorkovsky and Mr Lebedev is a prime example of legal nihilism.(辩护律师称,霍多尔科夫斯基和列别德夫案是法律虚无主义的典型。)
Angst as an inevitable result of nihilism, it corresponds to the origin form and nature of nihilism.(恐惧作为虚无主义的必然结果,与虚无主义的起源形式及本质相对应。)
The nihilism of truth is a strong trend of thoughts in the contemporary era.(而在当代,真理虚无论则是一股强大的否定真理的思潮。)
Although paradigm transformation is appearing in moral judgment and moral education, but it doesn't mean advocating moral nihilism.(道德判断和道德教育虽然出现了范式的转换问题,但这并不意味着是一种道德虚无主义的主张。)
In the note Heisman wrote that he took his life as part of a philosophical exploration he called "an experiment in nihilism."(他在遗书中写道,他之所以结束自己的生命,为的是一项“虚无主义实验”的哲学研究。)
The experiment in nihilism is to seek out and expose every illusion and every myth, wherever it may lead, no matter what, even if it kills us.(此项虚无主义实验旨在寻求和披露每一种幻想以及每一个神话,无论实验走向如何,哪怕它将我们陷于死地。)
Enlightenment started modernity, but at the same time threw it into the crisis of nihilism as the result of destroying the ancient reason.(启蒙理性开启了现代性,同时也因为毁灭了古典理性而使现代性陷入虚无主义的危机之中。)
This is the nihilism of Alresfordism, a security-driven retraction toward death.(这是奥尔斯福德主义的虚无主义,是安全感驱使下的一次向死亡的倒退。)
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