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更新时间:2025-03-03 14:52:05

nursery school

英 [ˈnə:səri sku:l]

美 [ˈnɚsəri skul]

名词幼儿园; 托儿所

名词: nurseryschooler

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1. a small preschool for small children

1. 幼儿园;幼稚园
A nursery school or a nursery is a school for very young children.

nursery school的意思

e.g. The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London.

1. 托儿所:在美国,一个人从小到大的学习生涯可以这样描写:儿童小时侯,父母双方在外工作,他们大多数被放在儿童日托中心(day-care center)或托儿所(nursery school).

2. 幼儿园:小孩子从二岁起即在幼儿园(Nursery School)接受音乐教育,他们在听、唱童谣中慢慢地学习与成长,到了小学一、二年级阶段,学生已能一对一地表演轮唱(无伴奏的),三年级即开始简单的二、三部无伴奏合唱;最后到了中学(相当于我们的国三到高三的阶段;

3. 保育学校{英}:非宗教教育||secular education | 保育学校{英}||nursery school | 室内活动||indoor play

4. 护士学校:美容专科学校:special school for beautifaltion | 护士学校:nursery school | 商业学校:business school

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Those children having few opportunities to get on with the peers might be isolated since they have attended the nursery school.(那些没有太多机会与同龄人相处的孩子可能会从幼儿园开始就显得有些孤立。)
I went to the nursery school every day.(我每天去幼儿园。)
The "millennials" who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups.(“千禧一代”将很快成为富裕国家劳动力的一半,他们从小就开始在幼儿园集体工作着长大。)
Nursery school is the important base of growing up and education of infant.(幼儿园是幼儿健康成长和开展教育的重要基地。)
The nursery school enrollment was complete, so the director put our child's name on the waiting list.(报名已满,所以院长把我们孩子的名字登记在等待入所的名单。)
He thinks to also can be done so in nursery school.(他以为在幼儿园也可以这样做。)
Even when I was 11, I had a nursery school in my backyard, and I'd charge 25 cents for three hours.(11岁时,我甚至就在家里后院建起一个护士学校,三小时收费25美分。)
From the age of three she attended a nursery school in Amman until the family's return to the UK in 1986.(在3岁时她进入了安曼的一所护士学校,一直到1986年她的家庭回到英国。)
Kathy started at my nursery school at the age of three.(周海湄开始在我国幼儿学校在三岁的。)
"If some astronaut who is in nursery school right now wants to go up there and fix it, they'd be able to," Arenberg said.(阿伦伯格表示“如果哪位眼下还在上幼儿园的宇航员希望去那里执行维修任务,到达时还不算太晚。”)
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