1. a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)
2. (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
e.g. the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water
3. a voluptuously beautiful young woman
Synonym: houri
1. (希腊、罗马神话中居于山林水泽的)仙女
In Greek and Roman mythology, nymphs were spirits of nature who appeared as young women.
2. 蛹;幼虫
A nymph is the larva, or young form, of an insect such as a dragonfly.
1. nymph
1. 若虫:头虱的生活史可分为卵(nit)、若虫(nymph)和成虫(adult)三个阶段. 卵的颜色介於淡黄色至白色,容易被误认为是头皮屑,靠著粘著力强的非水溶性物质附著在发根部位;约7天后,孵化为若虫. 若虫外型与成虫相似,但只有针尖大小,
2. 蛹:从卵(egg 或 nit)到成虫(adult)持续30-35天. 雌虱每天可下卵10枚,卵的孵化约需8-10天. 第二个阶段为蛹(nymph),约8-10天,蛹经蜕(或脱)皮三次,到达成虫阶段. 跳蚤(flea)属于昆虫纲,蚤目(Siphonaptera,或Aphaniptera),蚤科(Pulicidae).
3. 宁芙:'''宁芙'''(Nymph)是居住在山林、原野、泉水、大海等地的自然女神,源自於[[希腊神话]]中的[[传说生物]],有时也被翻译成'''精灵'''和'''仙女'''. 她们会依居住地点不同分成树宁芙(Dryad)、泉水宁芙(Naiad)、芙山宁芙(Oread)、海宁芙(Nereid)等等.
The nymph flying through the woods of Greece with the satyr in hot pursuit.sssea-nymphss, sswood nymphss, etc.
出自:W. S. Maugham