英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:44:05



英 [ˈɒptɪmɪzəm]

美 [ˈɑ:ptɪmɪzəm]


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  • [U]乐观,乐观主义 a tendency to give more attention to the good side of a situation



1. a general disposition to expect the best in all things

2. the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well

1. 乐观
Optimism is the feeling of being hopeful about the future or about the success of something in particular.


e.g. The Indian Prime Minister has expressed optimism about India's future relations with the USA.
e.g. ...a mood of cautious optimism.

1. 乐观:剧作家克里斯.索普(ChrisThorpe)作了半小时极其精彩的短篇小说朗诵;约翰.克兰西(John Clancy)在<>(TheEvent)中智慧地解构了黑暗中的静坐:<>(Faust)和<>(Optimism)花费数千英镑来证明戏剧是一种幻想,

2. 乐观主义:同样的也出现在选择中.判断背离理性的方式是长时间和广泛的(参见Kahneman,Slovic和 Tversky,1982).这样的解释性的例子包括:过度自信(over-confidence),乐观主义(optimism),锚定现象 (anchoring),

3. 乐观主义的:32英国学者玛格丽特.罗斯把后现代主义者主要分为三种类型:解构主义的(deconstructionist),双重编码的(double coded or dual-coded),理想主义的(ideal),当然还有乐观主义的(optimism)、悲观主义的(pessimism)、虚无主义的(nihilism)等.

4. 乐观、乐观主义:optimistic 乐观的 | optimism 乐观、乐观主义 | organs 元件、机构

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Optimism made him alive through the hard days.
  • Both parties expressed optimism about an eventual solution.
用作名词 (n.)
  • I am astounded at the wave of optimism..There is a veritable tide of feeling that all is well.

    出自:J. F. Kennedy
  • Mr. Shevardnadze expressed optimism that an agreement..would emerge.

    出自:Times of India
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自法语的optimisme;最初源自现代拉丁语的optimum,意为最佳。
His new-found optimism dissolved.(他刚刚建立的乐观情绪消失了。)
General optimism and pessimism count.(总体上的乐观和悲观都很重要。)
While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.(虽然过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式,导致房地产“泡沫”的出现,但这篇报告的作者对这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为它尚未发生。)
This is the most solid ground for optimism.(这是乐观主义最有力的根据。)
When organisations are expanding and adding personnel, promotional opportunities, pay rises, and the excitement of being associated with a dynamic organisation create feelings of optimism.(当组织在扩张和增加人员时,晋升机会、加薪,以及与一个充满活力的组织联系在一起的兴奋感,会让人产生乐观的情绪。)
Suzanne Segerstrom, professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, believes that the key to increasing optimism is through cultivating optimistic behaviour, rather than positive thinking.(肯塔基大学心理学教授苏珊娜·塞格斯特罗姆认为,增加乐观情绪的关键在于培养乐观行为而不是积极思维。)
The bypass held a new era in motor travel and was greeted with excitement and optimism.(这条路开启了汽车旅行的新时代,迎接它的是人们的兴奋和乐观。)
Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces, and each of us must choose which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations.(乐观和悲观都是强大的力量,我们每个人都必须选择两者之一,来塑造我们的前景和预期。)
History and news become confused, and one's impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism.(历史和新闻混杂在一起,给人的印象往往是怀疑和乐观的混合体。)
There are very real grounds for optimism.(的确有理由可以乐观。)
optimism是什么意思 optimism在线翻译 optimism什么意思 optimism的意思 optimism的翻译 optimism的解释 optimism的发音 optimism的同义词