英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 18:41:47

order of magnitude

英 [ˈɔ:də ɔv ˈmæɡnitju:d]

美 [ˈɔrdɚ ʌv ˈmæɡnɪˌtud]


名词复数: ordersofmagnitude

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a degree in a continuum of size or quantity

e.g. it was on the order of a mile
an explosion of a low order of magnitude

Synonym: order

2. a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities
two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other
the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10

Synonym: magnitude

1. 数量级:一个数量级(order of magnitude)就是十倍的差异. 例如说两数相差三个数量级,其实就是说一个数比另一个大一千倍. 我们用科学记数法就能简单地描述数量级.

2. order of magnitude的意思

2. 量级:1945年美国第一枚原子弹爆炸现场,费米把撕碎的纸屑扔向空中,根据纸屑在爆炸冲击波作用下离开原点的距离来估计爆炸当量,结果跟后来计算机精确计算的结果所差无几,费米这种估计物理量的数量级(ORDER OF MAGNITUDE)的方法直到现在也是物理学

3. order of magnitude是什么意思

3. 级:我们没有任何理由作出这样的假设:买方占有母牛比卖方占有母牛更有价值[因为它的真实价值是与当事人的想象有差距的量数级(order of magnitude)],卖方在认定该牛为不能生育时也没有粗心大意;事实上,卖方犯了一个合理而又(在合理成本条件下)不可避免的错误.

4. 恒星等级数量级:order of light 灯塔等级 | order of magnitude 恒星等级;数量级 | order of magnitude 恒星等级数量级

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.(美俄两国没有面临与日本同样的重要级别的问题。)
Due to the memory storage technology used in SSDs, the performance is an order of magnitude higher than regular hard disk drives.(由于SSD中采用了内存存储技术,SSD的性能比常规硬盘驱动器高出了一个数量级。)
We switched algorithms years ago and our GC easily handles heaps (and allocation rates) an order of magnitude larger than any competition.(我们早就转换算法了,相比于其他竞争者来说,GC所能处理的堆容量(以及分配率)要超出一个数量级。)
In many cases, the price is lower by more than an order of magnitude.(在很多情况中,价格会低一个数量级以上。)
In annular space, the values of tangential, axial and radial turbulence intensity were of the same order of magnitude.(环形空间3个速度分量的湍流度是同一个数量级的。)
Other witnesses have reported Numbers of a similar order of magnitude.(其他见证者报告的数量级类似。)
Most software projects have requirements backlogs that are too big — often by an order of magnitude.(大多数软件项目都有庞大的需求积压——通常按照数量级进行排列。)
The gravimetric hydrogen production rate exceeds that of other solar-driven thermochemical processes by more than an order of magnitude.(而分解出氢的效率以重量计算可比其它太阳能热制程的效率高出一个数量级。)
We could optimize, but the application would be at least an order of magnitude slower. Memory use would also skyrocket, as so many classes are created.(我们可以做优化,但应用程序的速度将会变慢至少一个数量级,内存的使用也会扶摇直上,因为有这么多的类被创建。)
In troposcatter transmission it turns out that m is of the order of magnitude of 100 to 1000.(在对流层散射通讯中已证明M在100到1000的数量级。)
order of magnitude是什么意思 order of magnitude在线翻译 order of magnitude什么意思 order of magnitude的意思 order of magnitude的翻译 order of magnitude的解释 order of magnitude的发音 order of magnitude的同义词