英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 17:02:16



英 [ˈɔ:gən]

美 [ˈɔ:rgən]



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  • 【音】风琴,口琴,管风琴,手摇风琴
  • 机构,机关
  • 喉舌,人类的发音器官
  • 器官
  • 机关报,报刊,宣传工具
  • 嗓音
  • 【机】元件,机件,工具
  • 阴茎,阳物
  • 用风琴演奏
  • [C]器官 part of an animal body or plant serving a particular purpose
  • [C]风琴 musical instrument played by blowing air through pipes
  • [C]机构 organization with a special purpose within a large one
  • [C]新闻媒体,宣传工具; 机关报〔杂志〕 means for communicating the views of a particular group or party


1. (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ

Synonym: electric organelectronic organHammond organ

2. a free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows

Synonym: harmoniumreed organ

3. wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets supplied with air from a bellows and controlled from a large complex musical keyboard

Synonym: pipe organ

4. a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function

5. a periodical that is published by a special interest group

e.g. the organ of the communist party

6. a government agency or instrument devoted to the performance of some specific function

e.g. The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department

1. 器官
An organ is a part of your body that has a particular purpose or function, for example your heart or lungs.

e.g. ...damage to the muscles and internal organs.
e.g. ...the reproductive organs.

2. 风琴;管风琴
An organ is a large musical instrument with pipes of different lengths through which air is forced. It has keys and pedals rather like a piano.

3. (政府、集团等的)喉舌,机构
You refer to a newspaper or organization as the organ of the government or another group when it is used by them as a means of giving information or getting things done.


e.g. The Security Service is an important organ of the State...
e.g. The most powerful organ of government in Scotland is the Scottish Office.

1. 管风琴:钢琴(Piano) 管风琴(Organ) 手风琴(Piano Accordion) 打击乐器 打击乐器可能是乐器家族中历史最为悠久的一族了. 其家族成员众多,特色各异,虽然它们的音色单纯,有些声音甚至不是乐音,但对于渲染乐曲气氛有着举足轻重的作用.


2. 机构:由于董事会和股东大会作为公司治理机构(organ)不批准由公司提起诉讼,公司无法作为原告. 但公司又不得不作为代表诉讼的当事人. 故法院认为,由公司作为代表诉讼中的被告为次上策.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • The nose is the organ of smell.
  • There are many organs in a man's body.
  • He played a beautiful tune on the organ.
  • Parliament is an organ of government.
  • This paper is the official organ of the Socialist Party.
用作名词 (n.)
  • County Councils..the administrative organs of country life.

    出自:G. M. Trevelyan
  • Enforcement has to be by an organ of government, preferably the Secretary of State.

  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古法语的orgene,意为乐器;最初源自拉丁语的organa,意为乐器。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The patient's immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.(该病人的免疫系统会将移植器官作为异物加以排斥。)
This time, you're a transplant surgeon and you have five patients, each in desperate need of an organ transplant in order to survive.(这次,你是一名器官移植医生,你有五名病人,每名病人都急需器官移植才能存活。)
Nearly every movie theater, however modest, had a piano or organ to provide musical accompaniment to silent pictures.(几乎每家电影院都有钢琴或风琴为无声电影伴奏,无论这些电影院多么简陋。)
Organ culture model of intervertebral discs could preserve organ integrity and cell viability at least 4 weeks under iso-osmotic or hyperosmotic loading.(在等渗或高渗负荷下,椎间盘的器官培养模型可以保持器官完整性和细胞活力至少4周。)
A young man may have a lump in his testicle, but when doctors remove all the organ, they find a big scar.(年轻人在他的睾丸里可能有一个肿块,但当医生切除所有器官时,他们发现一个大疤痕。)
When the organ does appear, it is not only impressive in size, but its bright pink color makes it stand out against the dark fur.(当这个器官出现时,它不仅在尺寸上能让人印象深刻,它明亮的粉红色使它在深色皮毛的衬托下显得很突出。)
The subgenual organ in Locusta migratoria moniliasis is composed of scolopidia.(东亚飞蝗的下属器官是由螺旋孢子虫组成的。)
They have these special organs that collect the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide and then transfer it to another organ, where billions of bacteria live.(他们有这些特殊的器官来收集硫化氢和二氧化碳,然后把它们转移到另一个器官,那里有数十亿的细菌。)
It also gives advice on how and when doctors should raise the issue of organ donation.(它对医生何时和怎样对病人提出器官捐赠的问题也给予了指导。)
They were starting to replace live orchestras in some movie theaters, and it only takes one person to play an organ.(他们开始在一些电影院取代现场管弦乐队,而且只需要一个人来演奏一个风琴。)
organ是什么意思 organ在线翻译 organ什么意思 organ的意思 organ的翻译 organ的解释 organ的发音 organ的同义词