英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈeskəleɪtə(r)]

美 [ˈɛskəˌletɚ]



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  • 【建】自动扶梯,电扶梯,滚梯,升降梯
  • 按生活指数作出调整的条款,自动调整条款
  • 逐步上升的事物;使上升的工具
  • 逐步上升的人;使上升的人
  • (像自动扶梯的)上升进程
  • 上下调整的
  • 及时相应调整的


1. a stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt

Synonym: moving staircasemoving stairway

2. a clause in a contract that provides for an increase or a decrease in wages or prices or benefits etc. depending on certain conditions (as a change in the cost of living index)

Synonym: escalator clause

1. 自动扶梯
An escalator is a moving staircase on which people can go from one level of a building to another.


1. 电扶梯:今天经过公馆捷运站的时候, 看到一位辛苦的妈妈推婴儿车搭电扶梯(Escalator)进捷运站. 正常来说, 应该是要搭电梯的, 很可惜的是, 公馆站在靠台大(出口2, 3)的这边是没有电梯(Elevator)的.

  • 经典引文

  • Prices and wages are fellow-travellers on the same upward escalator.

The night watchman was going his rounds on the floor above. When he heard the crash he came dashing down the escalator.(晚上保安正在楼上四处巡视,突然他听到了碰撞声就匆匆赶下电梯。)
A four-year-old Turkish boy who fell from an escalator has narrowly avoided injury after being caught by a quick-thinking shopkeeper.(一名四岁的土耳其男孩儿从电梯上摔落,幸亏一名店主思维敏捷,用胳膊接住了他,他才幸免于难,与受伤擦肩而过。)
You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor.(你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。)
We often leave a car in a lot — Chan parking himself — then ride an escalator and hustle to a meeting or meal.(我们经常把车留在停车场-成龙自己泊车-然后乘坐自动扶梯赶往会议或用餐。)
You can take the escalator around that corner.(您可以从拐角处的电梯上去。)
Last week, Reid whistled through the Senate, by voice vote, a bill to put us on that escalator.(上周,瑞德在参议院通过口头投票迅速通过了一项置我们于那台直升电梯的议案。)
Take care when stepping on and off the escalator; take extra care if you wear bifocals.(在上下扶梯的时候一定要留神,尤其是当你还戴着眼镜的时候。)
S:It’s on the 5th floor,you may take the escalator to.(在五楼,你可以乘座电梯上去。)
Take the escalator and then go to the right.(乘自动扶梯下去,然后往右转。)
I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator.(我挤过人群,上了自动扶梯。)
escalator是什么意思 escalator在线翻译 escalator什么意思 escalator的意思 escalator的翻译 escalator的解释 escalator的发音 escalator的同义词