英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:58:29



英 [ˈpɑ:ləns]

美 [ˈpɑ:rləns]


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  • 说法
  • 用语
  • 语调
  • 腔调
  • 术语
  • 辩论
  • 口调
  • 谈判
  • 谈话
  • 语法
  • 写法


1. a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language

Synonym: idiom

1. 说法;用语;术语
You use parlance when indicating that the expression you are using is normally used by a particular group of people.

e.g. The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.

1. 语法:parky 寒冷的 | parlance 语法 | parlay 连本带利的赌

2. 说法:parkometer 停驻时间记录器 | parlance 说法 | parley 会谈;谈判

3. parlance

3. 谈话,说法,用法:dependency 依靠,信赖,从属 | parlance 谈话,说法,用法 | candidate 候选人,备选者

4. 说法/语法/语调:parky /寒冷的/ | parlance /说法/语法/语调/ | parlay /连本带利的赌/使增值/

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1. in common parlance : 照一般的说法;

  • In the parlance of newspaper men, I had a scoop.

    出自:D. Carnegie
  • In Freudian parlance the company man might be described as having a weak ego.

    出自:N. F. Dixon
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Anatomically, it consists of the distal manual phalanx of the fifth digit or, in layman's parlance, the tip of the little finger.(从解剖的角度讲,它包括第五根手指的末节指骨,或者说白一点,小拇指指尖。)
But wrinkles are not solely a function of "animating," to use dermatological parlance.(但是,皱纹并不只有“(让脸)生动”(animating)——皮肤病学用语——的功能。)
In browser parlance, a principal generally equates to a Web site.(在浏览器中,principal一般就等价于一个网站。)
In PHP parlance, this means that the object can be treated as an iterator.(在php中,这意味着对象可以当做迭代器。)
Anything at or just below the surface of the seabed-the benthic zone, in fishery parlance-gets dragged up.(海底或仅仅在海底表面下一点,用渔业的说法,就是深海底栖带,任何生活在这里的生物都会被拖上来。)
In common parlance though, when someone mentions the elbow they usually mean the pointy bit; the outside of the arm bend.(虽然从通常意义上讲,当一个人说到手肘的时候,他所指的常常是肘关节尖端的那一小部分,也就是手臂弯曲处的外侧。)
In programmers' parlance, it's a feature, not a bug - ie an intentional facility, not a mistake.(按照程序员的说法,它是一个功能,而不是一个缺陷——即它是有意识的的设施,而不是一个错误。)
In Web service parlance, data is called messages that are part of method parameters or return types.(对Web服务而言,数据也可称为消息,是方法参数或返回类型的一部分。)
The shock waves are formed when the trombone is blown particularly hard - in music parlance, "fortissimo" and "fortississimo".(当用力吹长号-用音乐术语讲就是用"ff"或者"sf"来吹-冲击波就能形成。)
In common Chinese parlance "Yang" can be interchangeably translated as "sheep", "goat", or "ram".(但在中文中,“羊”既可以指绵羊,也可以指山羊,还可以是公羊。)
parlance是什么意思 parlance在线翻译 parlance什么意思 parlance的意思 parlance的翻译 parlance的解释 parlance的发音 parlance的同义词