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副词: patricianly

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1. a member of the aristocracy

Synonym: aristocratblue blood

2. a person of refined upbringing and manners


1. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy

e.g. an aristocratic family
aristocratic Bostonians
aristocratic government
a blue family
blue blood
the blue-blooded aristocracy
of gentle blood
patrician landholders of the American South
aristocratic bearing
aristocratic features
patrician tastes

Synonym: aristocraticaristocraticalblueblue-bloodedgentle

2. befitting a person of noble origin

e.g. a patrician nose

1. 贵族;豪门子弟
A patrician is a person who comes from a family of high social rank.

e.g. ...the patrician banker Sir Charles Villiers.

2. 贵族的;有贵族气派的
If you describe someone as patrician, you mean that they behave in a sophisticated way, and look as though they are from a high social rank.

e.g. He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.
e.g. ...her crisp, patrician voice.

1. 贵族/贵族的:patriarchy /家长统治/父权制/ | patrician /贵族/贵族的/ | patriciate /贵族社会/贵族阶级/贵族的地位/

2. 贵族的 (形):patriarchy 家长统治, 父权制 (名) | patrician 贵族的 (形) | patricidal 杀父的 (形)

3. 有教养的:courteous 彬彬有礼的 | patrician 有教养的 | self-serving 自私的

  • 经典引文

  • The power..vested in the senate truly belonged to the patrician order.

    出自:W. Spalding
  • Amid the drawling consciously patrician tones, a hint of suburban vowels.

    出自:P. Farmer
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Like her older brother, Peter, she had gray eyes and a slender, patrician elegance.(像哥哥彼得一样,她也有着灰色的眼睛,身材苗条,举止优雅。)
Its patrician dignity was a picturesque sham.(它的贵族的尊严只是一套华丽的伪装。)
Though he had patrician self-confidence, there was no snobbery in Roosevelt.(虽然罗斯福有着贵族般的自信不疑,然而他却没有丝毫的纨绔习气。)
When I first came to Oxford 30 years earlier, any such professionalism would have been greeted with patrician disdain.(30年前当我首次来到牛津任教时,这种专业主义倾向会遭遇到有教养的蔑视。)
Public Hospital Dilatation: Patrician or Civilian Course?(公立医院扩张:贵族路线还是平民路线?。)
He is articulate and handsome, while also coming across as a patrician and a bit of a snob.(他口齿清晰,相貌俊朗,但同时也有些贵族习气,自命高雅。)
Compared with the patrician Wallenbergs, Mr Ekholm cuts a bolder, more hands-on figure.(相教于具有贵族气息的瓦伦堡家族,风险资产。博瑞•埃克·赫姆的形象更加大胆和有实践经验。)
Henry Cabot Lodge, a New England patrician, was a staunch imperialist.(新英格兰贵族出身的亨利·卡伯特·洛奇则坚决拥护帝国主义。)
The old patrician was buried in the family vault.(这位老贵族埋在家族的墓地里。)
Cameron was a rich man, a patrician.(卡梅隆曾经是个有钱的贵族子弟。)
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