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英 [ˌpɜ:fəˈreɪʃn]

美 [ˌpɜ:rfəˈreɪʃn]



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  • 穿孔
  • 齿孔
  • 贯穿
  • 针孔
  • 射孔
  • 钻孔
  • 打眼
  • 孔眼
  • 孔洞
  • 冲孔
  • 贯通
  • 孔状接缝


1. the act of punching a hole (especially a row of holes as for ease of separation)

2. a line of small holes for tearing at a particular place

3. a hole made in something

e.g. a perforation of the eardrum

1. 小孔;小洞;(尤指)纸孔
Perforations are small holes that are made in something, especially in paper.

e.g. Tear off the form along the perforations and send it to Sales...
e.g. When held to the light the small oblong leaves are seen to possess tiny perforations.

1. 穿孔:3,穿孔(perforation) :约见于 5%的患者,最易发生于十二指肠溃疡. 4,出血(hemorrhage) :主要合并症,表现为潜血阳性或黑便,呕血等. 5,癌变(malignant transformation) :十二指肠溃疡一般不恶变,胃溃疡患者中发生癌变者 ≤1%. 四,

2. 射孔:在生产数据文件中,有个Event,它的措施除了有射孔(Perforation)以外,还包括其他的措施吗?这个文件中的Top和Bottom是垂深还是井深?其他的工程措施比如堵水、打塞、封隔器、酸化、压裂应该在那里处理,如何处理?

3. 齿孔:还在北京展出过. 许多人收集新票(mint),有人收集四方连(block of four),但是也有人专门收集信销票(used stamp),因为后者才能体现收集的乐趣. 当然,收集信销票要讲究品相(condition),连齿孔(perforation)都要注意完整.

4. perforation的翻译

4. 打孔:pelt生毛皮 | perforation打孔 | permanent compression test壓縮永久變形試驗

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Intervention was for gastric obstruction (20%), bleeding (7%), or perforation (2%).(干预的主要病因有胃梗阻(20%),出血(7%),或穿孔(2%)。)
Perforation and death rate were respectively 5.6% and 4%.(穿孔率和死亡率分别为5.6%和4%。)
Objective: to explore the treatment of the gallstone caused perforation.(目的:探讨胆囊结石引发穿孔的治疗方法。)
Objective: to improve the diagnosis and treatment level and to decrease the mortality of neonatal gastrointestinal perforation.(目的:提高新生儿胃肠道穿孔的诊断、治疗水平,降低病死率。)
But cable long, can reduce the arcs perforation and cutting ability.(但电缆长,会减低其起弧穿孔和切割能力。)
Objective to discuss the treatment efficiency of the biological amniotic membrane plugging to treat the meta-central corneal perforation.(目的探讨生物羊膜填塞缝合固定术治疗偏中心角膜穿孔的疗效。)
A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape.(在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。)
Extreme overbalance perforating is a new perforation completion technique.(超正压射孔工艺是一项射孔完井新技术。)
Multiple end wall and lateral-wall perforation plates were also observed in the secondary xylem.(在领春木次生木质部中也观察到了端壁多穿孔板及侧壁穿孔板。)
Methods Multilayer AMT was performed in 12 cases with corneal perforation.(方法对12例角膜溃疡穿孔行多层羊膜移植术。)
perforation是什么意思 perforation在线翻译 perforation什么意思 perforation的意思 perforation的翻译 perforation的解释 perforation的发音 perforation的同义词