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英 [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]

美 [ˈproʊtətaɪp]


形容词: prototypal

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  • 原型
  • 样机
  • 模范
  • 标准
  • 典型
  • 样板
  • 试制型式
  • 样品
  • 【物】原器
  • 原型机
  • 雏形
  • 蓝本
  • [C]原型,雏型,蓝本 first or original example of sth that has been or will be copied or developed


1. a standard or typical example

e.g. he is the prototype of good breeding
he provided America with an image of the good father

Synonym: paradigmepitomeimage

1. 原型;样品;样本
A prototype is a new type of machine or device which is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold.

e.g. Chris Retzler has built a prototype of a machine called the wave rotor.
e.g. ...the first prototype aircraft.

2. 模范;典型
If you say that someone or something is a prototype of a type of person or thing, you mean that they are the first or most typical one of that type.


e.g. He was the prototype of the elder statesman.


1. 原型,样机:毫无疑问,早期激光直接成像(LDI)技术采用者通常是那些需要快速精确制样周期快、原型样机(Prototype)或大容量生产商. 这些早期早期激光直接成像(LDI)模型能完美地满足这些生产商需求-节省时间和掩膜成本,同时提供高度灵活性和高精确性.

2. 样机:毫无疑问,早期激光直接成像(LDI)技术的采用者通常是那些需要快速精确制样的周期快、原型样机(Prototype)或大容量生产商. 这些早期的早期激光直接成像(LDI)模型能完美地满足这些生产商的需求-节省时间和掩膜成本,同时提供高度灵活性和高精确性.

3. prototype

3. 原形:部分PC安装各类游戏汉化补丁(包括虐杀原形汉化补丁)的时候可能会出现诺顿等极为严格的杀毒...,<>专题将为玩家提够最新的虐杀原形汉化版下载,视频,剧情,攻略,补丁,详细操作,游戏汉化及最强存档,<>(Prototype)的主角Alex Mercer本是一名在科学...,

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • This is the prototype for future school buildings.
用作名词 (n.)
  • They look at flowers and trees not only as delightful objects, but as prototypes of the divine.

    出自:K. Clark
Look for a prototype early next year.(期望明年年初能提供原型。)
Though still in prototype phase, the gloves seem to have impressed the experts.(尽管仍处于原型阶段,这种手套似乎给专家们留下了深刻的印象。)
Even as it's the prototype for originality, it's also something very disturbing and harmful.(即使它是独创性的原型,它也是非常令人不安和有害的东西。)
Listing 1 is a plain-text grammar in prototype.(清单1是一个普通文本文法的原型。)
Never underestimate the power of a prototype.(不要低估模型的威力。)
The whole system is a B/S prototype with a nicer interactive interface.(整个系统为B/S框架,具有良好的人机交互界面。)
So up top, the function prototype.(在顶端,那个函数原型。)
A proposed joint project would develop a prototype or demonstration model for the "21st-century national information infrastructure".(一项拟议中的联合项目将开发用于“21世纪国家信息基础设施”的原型或示范模型。)
Inside a hanger at a Swiss airfield is the prototype of an aircraft (illustrated above) that does not use any fuel at all.(在瑞士一个机场的飞机库里面有一架完全不用燃料的飞机原型(如上图所示)。)
The next steps are to finish a go-kart–size one-seater EV prototype, boost the system's power, and perfect that car's on-the-move recharging.(下一步准备完成一个微型赛车大小、单座的原型机,而且提高系统功率并完善车在移动中的充电功能。)
prototype是什么意思 prototype在线翻译 prototype什么意思 prototype的意思 prototype的翻译 prototype的解释 prototype的发音 prototype的同义词