英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:10:19



英 [pəˈsɪstənt]

美 [pərˈsɪstənt]


副词: persistently

  • 详情解释

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  • 持续的
  • 坚持不懈的
  • 固执的
  • 不断的
  • 持久的
  • 反复出现的
  • 【植】宿存的
  • 不落的
  • 【动】持续生存的
  • 终身保留的
  • 连绵的
  • 不屈不挠的
  • 持续的;不断的 continuing;not stopping

1. (尤指不好或不受欢迎的状态或情况)持续存在的,继续发生的
Something that is persistent continues to exist or happen for a long time; used especially about bad or undesirable states or situations.


e.g. Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt...
e.g. His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped...

2. 执著的;不屈不挠的;锲而不舍的
Someone who is persistent continues trying to do something, even though it is difficult or other people are against it.

e.g. ...a persistent critic of the government's transport policies...
e.g. He phoned again this morning. He's very persistent.

1. 永续性:将视窗位置资讯储存在一个私用的.ini 档案,以便记住永续性 (Persistent) 视窗配置. 闲置回圈 (Loop) 处理. [档案] 功能表提供标准命令 [新增]、[开启]、[关闭]、[储存]、[另存新档]、[列印]、[预览列印]、[列印设定]、最近使用的 (MRU) 档案清单和 [结束].

2. 持续的:因为初始化后,servlet可以读取任何持续的(persistent)组态资料(configuration data),也可以初始化代价昂贵的资源(如JDBC的连线)以及执行任何其他一次就够的动作(one-time activities).

3. persistent的翻译

3. 持久的:其定义如下k是良构的(well-formed)且期待类型为τ 的值动态语义:应用栈展开(stack unwinding)技术动态语义:应用栈展开(stack unwinding)技术具体(reified)控制栈:将一个控制栈表示为一个普通的值,称为将控制栈处理为持久的(persistent)数据结构(如保存在

4. 持续:这些 RDBMS 的连接是公用 (pooled)、持续 (persistent) 的,由不用的执行绪分享. 这容许很快的连结和有效运用资源. 你也可使用 python 的方法 (method) 在读入 dbf 档及载入到 postgres 资料库.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.
  • There was a persistent sound of running water,although he had turned all the taps off.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • The good lady continued, with a persistent candour.

    出自:H. James
  • She succumbed to his persistent wooing.

    出自:Rosemary Manning
  • A tireless and persistent campaigner for women's education.

    出自:W. Raeper
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The persistent question of "Why do I need that?"—or, perhaps more tellingly, "Why do you need to know that?" —dogs the steps of many new ventures.(一个挥之不去的问题是“我为什么需要它?”——或者,也许更能说明问题的是,“为什么你需要知道这个?”——-阻碍了许多踏入新的冒险的脚步。)
A survey I conducted with Irene Whitney found that in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of bullying, which in about one in ten cases was persistent.(我与艾琳·惠特尼进行的一项调查发现,在英国小学,多达四分之一的学生报告曾遭受欺凌,这些案例中约有十分之一具有持续性。)
In popular culture, it remains as much of a symbol of Seattle as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.(在流行文化中,它仍然是西雅图的象征,就像太空针塔、绵绵细雨和无处不在的咖啡馆一样。)
He is regarded as a tenacious and persistent interviewer.(他被认为是个执著坚毅的采访者。)
At last, overcome by her persistent entreaties that he would take something, he lifted the glass and drank again.(最后,在她坚持要他喝点东西的恳求下,他还是举起了杯子,又喝了起来。)
The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.(经过他们百折不挠,再接再励的努力,现在终于达到了目的。)
There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying, but these cases may be particularly recalcitrant.(中学里的霸凌现象较少,约有1/25的学生遭受持续的霸凌,但这些案例可能特别棘手。)
Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.(那些持续做噩梦的人应该寻求治疗师的帮助。)
A persistent shoplifter has been banned from every shop in town.(一个商店行窃惯犯已被禁止进入镇上任何一家商店。)
But there are other reasons why the pay gap remains so persistent.(但工资差距保持如此之大还有其他原因。)
persistent是什么意思 persistent在线翻译 persistent什么意思 persistent的意思 persistent的翻译 persistent的解释 persistent的发音 persistent的同义词