英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈpɪkʌp]

美 [ˈpɪkˌʌp]



  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. the act of taking aboard passengers or freight

2. the act or process of picking up or collecting from various places

e.g. garbage pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays

3. an electro-acoustic transducer that is the part of the arm of a record player that holds the needle and that is removable

Synonym: cartridge

4. a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard

Synonym: pickup truck

5. anything with restorative powers

e.g. she needed the pickup that coffee always gave her

Synonym: pick-me-up

6. mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge

Synonym: tone armpickup arm

7. the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration

e.g. his car has a lot of pickup

Synonym: getaway

8. a warrant to take someone into custody

e.g. put out a pickup on that man

9. a casual acquaintance
often made in hope of sexual relationships

1. 皮卡:第1章 阿尔帝玛(Altima)轿车第2章 马克西姆(Maxima)轿车第3章 探路者(Pathfinder)汽车第4章 皮卡(Pickup)车第5章 探索(Quest)汽车第6章 山雀(Sentra)轿车第8章 300ZX轿车 无限(INFINITI)第12章 Q45轿车 马自达 (MAZDA)第14章

2. 小卡车:也就是说,几乎所有新的小客车(passenger car)、客货车(van)、休旅车(SUV)、小卡车(pickup)等,都须装上这种防盗装备. 目前美国尚未强制汽车装上止动器. 止动器的使用,使得偷车贼最常用的一种偷车手法--拉出电线搭火启动引擎,

3. 拾音器:(1)琴桥(Bridge) (2)拾音器(Pickup)1.弦距. 不论四弦,五弦,或六弦,各条弦的距离应该是相等的, 调整时应以两侧的最粗与最细的两条弦为准,其它弦则平均排列. 至于最粗与最细的两条弦,则需以指板的外缘为准,由上琴枕 (Fret)到下琴枕看来,

4. pickup

4. 拾起:但它有许多局限性,胶料或涂料的拾起(Pickup)依赖于纸页的内施胶水平和水分含量. 80年代早期开发了计量施胶压榨,它使用短驻留涂布头作为施胶装置,把湿的胶膜向辊表面转移. 当今使用了几种类型施胶装置,包括短驻留涂布头、喷泉式和封闭式涂布头.

They loaded about a ton of canned goods into the covered bed of a pickup truck.(他们将约一吨重的罐装食品装到了小卡车的有篷拖斗里。)
Soon a pickup came down the road and parked beside the squad car.(很快,一辆小型货车顺着大路驶来,停在小车旁边。)
Do you have a pickup truck you could use to haul furniture?(你有没有小辆小货车来运输家具?)
Sometimes after the deals are done, buyers hustle outside for a pickup fight.(有时刚一成交,买主们就忙不迭地到外面斗起蟋蟀来了。)
He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck.(他把车停在了一辆小型货车后面。)
The dusk light was failing and the interior of the pickup was dark but she knew the occupant was staring at her.(黄昏的光线逐渐暗淡下来,皮卡内黑漆漆的,但她知道占有者一直在盯着她。)
The driver of the pickup was not arrested, the Merc reported.(据圣荷西水星报报道,肇事司机尚未被逮捕。)
A black pickup truck turned off a side road in front of him.(一辆小型黑色货车在他前面拐进一条小路。)
"I'll run you up later in the pickup." as if I was an old man in need of help!(他告诫我这条路很危险,说要稍晚一点用农夫车送我上去,好像我是一个需要帮助的老头儿。)
Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.(弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破旧的敞篷小货车成功地穿越了沙漠地区。)
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