Sometimes, however, they sounded pious and insincere.(然而,有时候,他们听起来是那么的虚伪,那么的没有诚意。)
Death is ugly, and we cannot-indeed, should not-try to make it palatable or explain it away with pious platitudes.(死亡是令人厌恶的,而我们不能——确实不应该——尝试使其成为愉快的事,或用伪善的陈词滥调对其加以解释。)
Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.(这类改革可能只是画饼充饥而已。)
Some feared that Solar’s subject – global warming – would make a rather pious book.(一些人担心该书的题材--全球变暖--使其变得虚伪。)
Irish citizens, including pious ones, will never again treat the church as untouchable.(包括虔诚信徒在内的爱尔兰人再也不认为教会神圣不可批判。)
But Italians are less pious than they pretend.(但意大利人并不像他们装得那样虔诚。)
She'll be saved from the dangers of childbirth if she lives a pious and holy life.(经历过生育的危险后,她将得救,如果她圣洁自守。)
That may be no more than another pious wish.(那可能只是另一种虔诚的愿望。)
The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian’s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.(虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动的描述他与其妻子的密切(关系)半信半疑。)
"Yea, to another world," replied the minister, with pious resignation.(“是啊,到另一个世界去了,”牧师带着一切全都听天由命的神气回答说。)
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