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英 [ˈpɪtɪfl]

美 [ˈpɪtɪfəl]


副词: pitifully 名词: pitifulness

  • 详情解释

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  • 可怜的
  • 慈悲的
  • 令人同情的
  • 可鄙的
  • 有同情心的
  • 可怜又可笑的
  • 伤心的
  • 凄楚的
  • 值得同情的
  • 令人怜悯的
  • 同情的

1. 令人怜悯的;使人同情的;可怜的
Someone or something that is pitiful is so sad, weak, or small that you feel pity for them.

e.g. He sounded both pitiful and eager to get what he wanted...
e.g. It was the most pitiful sight I had ever seen.

His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.

2. 匮乏的;极度欠缺的
If you describe something as pitiful, you mean that it is completely inadequate.


e.g. The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low...
e.g. The farmers pay pitiful wages, often in the form of food and clothes.

State help for the mentally handicapped is pitifully inadequate.

3. 可鄙的;不值得考虑的
If you describe something as pitiful, you mean that it does not deserve respect or consideration.

e.g. This argument seems to show a pitiful lack of confidence in the capabilities of our juries.

1. 慈悲的:pitiably 可怜地 | pitiful 慈悲的 | pitiless 无情的

2. 可怜的:pitcher 投手 | pitiful 可怜的 | pitiless 无情的

3. pitiful什么意思

3. 令人同情的:prevail流行, 盛行, 获胜, 成功 | pitiful令人同情的 | avalanche雪崩

4. 慈悲的, 同情的, 可怜的 (形):pitiably 可怜地; 卑劣地; 凄惨地 (副) | pitiful 慈悲的, 同情的, 可怜的 (形) | pitifully 可怜地; 可恨地 (副)

  • 经典引文

  • Pitiful..to the maltreated.

    出自:H. Spurling
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

It makes them feel lonely and pitiful.(它使得他们感到孤独和痛苦。)
She cuts its throat, ending the pitiful cries.(她切断了毒狼的喉咙,结束了这凄惨的哀号。)
I wish I might take this for a compliment; but to be so easily seen through I am afraid is pitiful.(但愿你这句话是恭维我,不过,这么容易被人看透,那恐怕也是件可怜的事吧。)
You come back yet never asked who saved your pitiful life.(回来报仇,也不问问谁救了你的小命。)
He sounded both pitiful and eager to get what he wanted.(他听上去可怜兮兮地迫切想得到他所想要的。)
It was pitiful in a way, and yet cheering—even exhilarating.(这在某种程度上是挺凄凉的,但也令人振奋——甚至是激动人心。)
A person who is infected with the virus - looks pitiful.(一个被这个病毒感染了的人——看起来很可怜。)
The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low.(选择余地很小,而且有些产品的质量很差。)
The official response has been pitiful.(官方的反应令人深感惋惜。)
Take you with her, pitiful changeling?(带你跟她一起去,可怜的三心二意的人!)
pitiful是什么意思 pitiful在线翻译 pitiful什么意思 pitiful的意思 pitiful的翻译 pitiful的解释 pitiful的发音 pitiful的同义词