英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:18:36



英 [ˈpɪvət]

美 [ˈpɪvət]



vt.装枢轴于;以 ... 为中心


形容词: pivotable 过去式: pivoted 过去分词: pivoted 现在分词: pivoting 第三人称单数: pivots

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1. the act of turning on (or as if on) a pivot

e.g. the golfer went to the driving range to practice his pivot

2. axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns

Synonym: pin

3. the person in a rank around whom the others wheel and maneuver

Synonym: pivot man


1. turn on a pivot

Synonym: swivel

1. 中枢;枢纽;要点;中心点
The pivot in a situation is the most important thing which everything else is based on or arranged around.


e.g. Forming the pivot of the exhibition is a large group of watercolours.

2. 在枢轴上转动
If something pivots, it balances or turns on a central point.

e.g. The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance...
e.g. She pivots gracefully on the stage...

3. 枢轴;支点
A pivot is the pin or the central point on which something balances or turns.

e.g. The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.

相关词组:pivot on

1. pivot什么意思

1. 枢轴:1.分解:选择一个枢轴(pivot)元素划分数组. 将数组A[p..r]划分为两个子数组(可能为空)A[p..q-1]和A[q+1..r],使得A[q]大于等于A[p..q-1]中的每个元素,小于A[q+1..r]中的每个元素. q的值在划分过程中计算.

2. 支点:直臂 一可动支点(唱针) 一不可动支点(pivot) 的补偿角臂 一可动支点(唱针) 一可动支点(virtual pivot) 的直切臂 [8D][QUOTE][i]原发表者是 jcc104 [/i] [B]唱臂的演变 一可动支点(唱针) 一不可动支点(pivot) 的直臂 一可动支

3. 转轴:6.旋转(Rotate)/转轴(Pivot)领导信息系统(EIS)是针对管理人员的需要,整合上述各种功能控制的前端应用. 通过EIS,将管理人员所需的决策信息按需集成到统一的界面中,帮助他们能够快速、直接地访问信息. 与其他信息查询方式相比,

4. 中心点:通常,空气阻力的数值只在Resistance栏位里头做设定;不过当Adv. Resistance启动后,它会包含物件的XYZ比例. 你可以藉此产生相当真实的物件运动例如落叶的效果. Shift(改变)--设定中心点(Pivot)的改变.

  • 经典引文

  • One pivot of each wheel.

    出自:E. Bruton
  • He turned his..head on the pivot of his neck.

    出自:J. C. Powys
  • Scott's romances..are pivoted on..public interests.

    出自:R. H. Hutton
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Egypt is a strategic pivot.(埃及是一个战略要冲。)
Mr Obama says that with the debt fight behind him he can now pivot back to jobs.(奥巴马称,随着债务上限之争的解决,他现在可以把工作重心转移到就业问题上了。)
Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it?(你是想刷新你的形象还是改变它?)
These kinds of questions lead to a good selection of pivot points.(通过这些问题,可以很好地选择轴心内容点。)
The pivot row must be selected so that all the other basic variables remain positive.(必须选择枢轴行,以便所有其他基本变量保持正数。)
Implementing the caching system at the pivot point isolates it from the service code.(在轴心点实现高速缓存系统将其与服务代码分离开来。)
The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.(这个踏板已经在轴处断裂。)
West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.(西非是可可豆贸易的中心。)
So today is not only a pivot, but a confluence of pivots.(所以今天不仅是一个支点,还是一个支点的汇合。)
Don’t Pivot at All or Pivot Too Often(从不转向(pivot)或者频繁转向)
pivot是什么意思 pivot在线翻译 pivot什么意思 pivot的意思 pivot的翻译 pivot的解释 pivot的发音 pivot的同义词