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更新时间:2025-03-03 15:43:04



英 [pləˈbi:ən]

美 [plɪˈbiən]



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副词: plebeianly 名词: plebeianism

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. one of the common people

Synonym: pleb



1. of or associated with the great masses of people

e.g. the common people in those days suffered greatly
behavior that branded him as common
his square plebeian nose
a vulgar and objectionable person
the unwashed masses

Synonym: commonvulgarunwashed

1. (尤指历史上早期的)平民,庶民
A person, especially one from an earlier period of history, who is plebeian, comes from a low social class.


e.g. In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.

2. 平庸的;市井的;粗俗的
If someone describes something as plebeian, they think that it is unsophisticated and connected with or typical of people from a low social class.

e.g. ...a philosophy professor with a cockney accent and an alarmingly plebeian manner...
e.g. He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.

1. 平民:罗马虽然比希腊稍微好一点,但也相当的吝啬,比如罗马平民(Plebeian)的政治权力,完全是通过不断的斗争,一点一点从贵族(Patrician)手里取得的;有比如罗马盟邦为了获得公民权,不得不发动一场战争.

2. 庶民:plawdi 溅水 splash | pleb 庶民 plebeian | pledi 辩护 plead


3. 平民,庶民,大众:Lydian吕底亚人 | plebeian 平民,庶民,大众 | Berkeleian 贝克莱主义者

4. 平民,普通人:plebeian:平民,普通人 | helium 氦 | mercury 汞

  • 经典引文

  • Where the plebeians..peek at the aristocrats.

    出自:B. Breytenbach
  • But one sort of plebeian, and that is the coward.

Severus gave the man a beating with cudgels, while his herald proclaimed: 'Let no plebeian embrace a legate of the Roman people with impunity.(赛维鲁命令将此人惩以杖责,而他的传令官宣布道:“没有哪位平民在拥抱罗马人民的副将时能够不受惩罚。”)
No, that's for anthropologists to decide. But I am convinced that the reason I cannot master the plebeian task of driving is because I'm not meant to.(不,那要人类学家来认定的。但是我确信我不能精通,普通人驾驶技术的原因,是因为我注定不是干这个的。)
Some mass media tend to please people of plebeian tastes.(有些媒体有讨好低俗品味者的倾向。)
Finally, the descriptions of the official doting and the plebeian canniness reflect the different judicial wisdom of the authorities and plebs.(最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。)
Chinese television drama of plebeian relating with its special emotion content ACTS an important role in the Chinese television drama fields.(“平民化”电视剧以其独特的情感内涵,在中国电视领域扮演着重要的角色。)
They'd be nearly impossible to beat in a custody battle even if they let themselves be constrained by anything as plebeian as "conscience" or "law."(即使他们接受了任何像“良心”和“法律”这样基本的约束,在争夺抚养权的斗争中希瑟也几乎是不可能赢过他们的。)
Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.(当然,拉丁词一般可以回溯到古典罗马时期,在当时的语境中,client是指得到贵族资助的庶民。)
He says: You can't get away from the plebeian life, the talented person of a handful of and deep the current affairs of Know can be happy, because they can then tasty people.(他说:你们不能摆脱平民的生活,少数深喑世事的人才能快乐,因为他们可以品味人民。)
The tribune plebeian in Roman Times plays a great role on the protection of interest of the civilian class, which takes on abundant inspiration in modern society.(罗马共和时期设立了平民保民官,其在保护平民阶层利益方面发挥了重要作用,在现代社会仍然具有丰富的启示。)
I had always felt aversion to my uncourtly patronymic, and its very common, if not plebeian praenomen.(我一向讨厌自己这个庸俗的姓,这个非常普通的名字,就算不是平民百姓的名字也罢。)
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