英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:43:33



英 [ˈplaɪəz]

美 [ˈplaɪərz]


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  • 钳子
  • 老虎钳
  • 手钳
  • 钳工
  • plier的复数形式


1. a gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws

Synonym: pair of pliersplyers

1. 钳子;老虎钳
Pliers are a tool with two handles at one end and two hard, flat, metal parts at the other. Pliers are used for holding or pulling out things such as nails, or for bending or cutting wire.

1. 老虎钳:可是她现在急等着用老虎钳(Pliers)和扳手(Wrench). 你答应她在外面旅行时,如果看到的话会为她带来. 老虎钳就是一种叫tool的东西,很多地方可以找到. 扳手在游戏初期可以在Redding的一间大屋子中的铁柜中找到. 将两样东西交给Valerie,

2. pliers是什么意思

2. 铗钳 plug 柱塞头:pinchers 钳子 | pliers 铗钳 plug 柱塞头 | polisher 磨光器

3. pliers是什么意思

3. 钳:plexus丛 | pliers钳 | plinthicacrisol网纹强淋溶土

If they turned to ranching, they needed a lariat, a branding iron, and a pair of pliers.(如果他们变成牧场,他们需要一个套索,品牌铁,及一对钳子。)
One college student tied the pliers to one string and set it in motion like a pendulum.(一位大学生把钳子系到一根绳子上,然后让它像钟摆那样摆动起来。)
I need a hammer and a pair of pliers.(我需要一个锤子和一个钳子。)
I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance.(我拿出钳子和手电筒,爬到了车底下。)
The best method to open it is with pliers.(这个最好用钳子来开。)
After resorting in vain to screwdrivers and pliers, I decided to call a locksmith shop.(我用螺丝刀和钳子忙活了半天也白搭,于是决定打个电话向锁匠铺求助。)
Tighten instantly with hand pliers or Air Tool.(立即拧紧手钳或气动工具。)
The alligator bit the pliers out of my hand and swallowed them greedily.(鳄鱼从我手里咬掉老虎钳,一口吞到肚子里——贪贪婪婪地。)
Simply file these off or squeeze them flat with a pair of pliers.(只要这些文件,或挤压他们单位有一对钳子。)
When cany loose, first with the cane, garnish with wet iron pliers fixed it to, with strong adhesive make it stick can.(当藤松脱之时,先用水将藤弄湿,再用铁钳子将它固定,涂上强力粘着剂使它粘住即可。)
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