英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈpregnənsi]

美 [ˈprɛɡnənsi]


名词复数: pregnancies

  • 详情解释

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  • 怀孕
  • 妊娠(期)
  • 丰富
  • 含蓄
  • 多产
  • 意义深长
  • 怀孕期
  • 蕴酿
  • 丰满
  • 充实
  • 富有意义
  • [U][C]怀孕;妊娠 the condition of being pregnant;instance of being pregnant


1. the state of being pregnant
the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus

Synonym: gestationmaternity

1. 怀孕:早期的建议(NRC 1954)认为肥育中的兔子其可消化粗蛋白含量是18%,泌乳兔是20%,最近,了解蛋白质品质之重要性,对於蛋白质之需要量要求较保守,NRC 1966建议维持用(maintenance)之蛋白质需要量是12%,生长用(Growth)16%,怀孕(pregnancy)15%,泌乳(lactation)17%,

2. 妊娠:未生产)孕次 G 胎次 P 怀孕周数(Pregnancy)最后月经日(LMP) 年 月 日 预产期(EDC) 年 月日1.妊 娠(Pregnancy) 周(生产,未生产)孕次 G 胎次 P 怀孕周数(Pregnancy)最后月经日(LMP) 年 月 日 预产期(EDC) 年 月日1.妊 娠(Pregnancy) 周(生产,未生产

3. 怀孕,妊娠:preference 偏食 | pregnancy 怀孕,妊娠 | pregnant woman 孕妇

4. 妊娠 ; 受孕:preganglionicneurone节前神经元 | pregnancy妊娠 受孕 | premolar前臼齿

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • This was her second pregnancy.
  • He was chosen to..deceive a whole Nation..: which he did with notable pregnancy and dexterity.

  • A pregnancy of judgment above his years.

    出自:P. Heylin
It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy.(怀孕期间最好完全戒酒。)
Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.(医生们会告诉你怀孕是测试生育能力的惟一准确的方法。)
In pregnancy a high fibre diet is doubly important.(怀孕期间高纤维饮食倍加重要。)
After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.(在多次痛苦的考虑后,她决定终止妊娠。)
Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.(她的怀孕引起了家庭的不和。)
Many women experience sickness during pregnancy.(许多妇女在怀孕期都会有恶心现象。)
These methods prevent pregnancy.(这些方法预防怀孕。)
Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies.(妊娠期服用的药物可能引起婴儿身体畸形。)
Her pregnancy test was negative.(她的孕检呈阴性。)
You should also have a medical check-up after the termination of a pregnancy.(你在终止妊娠后也应该做个体检。)
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