英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:55:57


英 [ˌpredʒuˈdɪʃl]

美 [ˌprɛdʒəˈdɪʃəl]


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副词: prejudicially 名词: prejudicialness

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  • 不利的
  • 引起偏见的
  • 有害的
  • 有损害的
  • 有成见的
  • 存有偏见的
  • 偏心的


1. (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury

e.g. damaging to career and reputation
the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant

Synonym: damagingdetrimentalprejudicious

2. tending to favor preconceived ideas

e.g. the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population

Synonym: prejudicious

1. 有害的;不利的
If an action or situation is prejudicial to someone or something, it is harmful to them.

e.g. You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security...
e.g. The judge agreed with the prosecution that such information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear.

1. 存有偏见的:prejudiced 怀偏见的 | prejudicial 存有偏见的 | prelacy 主教

2. prejudicial

2. 有害的,引起偏见的:judicial 法庭的,法官的 | prejudicial 有害的,引起偏见的 | beneficial 有益的,有利的

3. 存有偏见的/偏心的/有害的:prejudiced /偏/有偏见的/ | prejudicial /存有偏见的/偏心的/有害的/ | prejudicially /偏心地/

4. 有成见的;有损害的;不利的;有偏见的:pregnant woman 孕妇 | prejudicial 有成见的;有损害的;不利的;有偏见的 | preliminary 初步的;开端的;预备的

  • 经典引文

  • Judges have a discretion to exclude evidence the prejudicial effect of which..outweighs its probative value.

    出自:R. C. A. White
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

And I hope we will all reflect on our prejudicial attitudes and consider how, as individuals, we can counter ageism.(而且我希望,我们都将反思我们的偏见态度,并考虑作为个人我们如何能够反对年龄歧视。)
It also models a response she should imitate if prejudicial comments are made in her presence.(它还模式的回应,她要模仿,如果损害的评论作出在她的存在。)
If video of the actual crime is unfairly prejudicial, I think we might have to give up on the entire concept of trial by jury.(如果案发现场的视频也有不公平的偏见,那恐怕我们就得摒弃整个陪审团机制了。)
Likewise, Chinese foodies intoxicated by the pride of their own food should avoid rushing to any prejudicial conclusions.(同样地,中国美食家沉醉于他们引以为豪的食物,他们应该避免作出那些带有偏见的结论。)
The news-report was prejudicial to the defendant's case.(新闻报道不利于被告的辩护。)
The Licensee must ensure that the Plans are not subjected to any treatment, which is prejudicial to the honour or reputation of Infinity, or the author of the Plans.(被许可方必须保证该方案(计划)不会对Infinity的荣誉或声誉,或者该方案作者造成任何的影响。)
Members shall refrain from any utterance or action prejudicial to the interests of the Association or its members.(会员应避免任何有损本协会或其会员利益的言语或行为。)
Improper chemical control, may be prejudicial to the activities of birds and need special attention.(不当的化学防治,有可能损及鸟类的活动,需要特别注意。)
Lord, if we incite the prejudicial fire ashes, which exactly want to extinguish by your shedding life, please have mercy on us!(主啊,若我们煽起了偏见的余烬,也就是你舍命为要将之熄灭的,求你怜悯我们吧!)
Excessive qualities are prejudicial to us and not -perceptible by the senses; we do not feel but suffer them.(极端的品质我们无法觉察,它也对我们有害,我们感觉不到却深受其苦。)
prejudicial是什么意思 prejudicial在线翻译 prejudicial什么意思 prejudicial的意思 prejudicial的翻译 prejudicial的解释 prejudicial的发音 prejudicial的同义词